Made Big Life Decision...How Will It Effect My Golf?


Head Pro
Jan 24, 2015
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Hi People!

I ave not posted at all since January but have been playing every 10 days or so. My Psoriatic Arthritis has become very bad in my left knee and although I am only 42, I am having a total knee replacement on my left knee in June. It is constantly painful even vicodin and oxycontin is not doing the job. I have hired a very good and experienced sports doctor to perform the surgery and I am looking forward to a future with hopefully a lot less pain and being able to enjoy life again.

Surprisingly, I have been able to shoot in the low 80's all year with my scoring average just being a tad over 83 but the next day the pain can be horrendous. I am going to follow all the medical advice and rehab to the letter.

But I did wonder if anyone else on here has had a TKR of the left knee, how long it took them to get back to the golf course, can you walk the golf course and play 18 now (something I miss terribly) - how have you had to change your game and so on?

I have a good custom fitted set of Tour Edge clubs in a Regular flex graphite that should still do the job but any insight is aprpeciated.

Many thanks,


Norrin Radd

Tour Winner
Aug 6, 2015
Sunny Sussex
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not had any of the unfortunate problems that you have suffered but a good friend has and has had both knee replacements ,he can walk 18 and although his h/cap didnt improve his general game but his appetite for it certainly grew.
hope all goes well for you once the op has been done and you have recovered.


Assistant Pro
Jun 26, 2015
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Mate of mine had his done early Feb and he's playing golf again now.
Make sure you take your physio rehab really seriously. The operation is painful but with hard work at the physio most people do very well afterwards.


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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Sorry can't help with advice on the Knee replacement, but i did smash my knee in 7 places playing Rugby in 95, never recovered full us of it for some time after, had to stop cycling competitively, and rugby was out, though i could still play cricket after. Still gives me grief now and again esp if its cold and damp. Hasn't really effected my golf as i didn't take it up until some 11 years after.

but hope it all goes well and you make a full recovery


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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The only thing I know about is from having several mates who have had it done. The only one to have to problems brought it on himself because he did not do the necessary physio post op.

I went with him to the physio and he was told "If you do not do it the scar tissue sets in the wrong place and you will not get full flexibility of the knee again" and that is what happened.


Challenge Tour Pro
Dec 17, 2013
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Touch wood, I've never had knee problems (most of my injuries have been breaks/tears) Speak to your doctor, you may find that golf will have to wait whilst you recover properly. I hope you do manage to get back out there!


Money List Winner
Apr 7, 2012
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An older member 70s at my club had both knees replaced a few years ago , it was a pioneering operation at the time called the Caledonian
[ i think ].
After a few weeks he was walking and playing 18 holes with no pain or discomfort..
He said its essential to follow the exercise programme fully, no problem to him as he had been a fitness instructor in the army.

Best of luck (y)


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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My knees are starting to give me more and more problems and I am beginning to worry about the long term requirements. Far older than the OP and it sounds like he's got a good surgeon lined up who will understand the strains of the swing on the knee. All I can advise the OP is to rest, follow the recovery programme to the full and take your time to ease back. I know one guy who has had it and he could only manage a loop of 3-4 holes in a buggy for a fair time and finally got it out to 9 holes but it was a long time before he could make a full 18. That said he's back walking 18 with no issues (and he's carrying some timber on him too) so I hope that offers the OP a ray of light

duncan mackie

Money List Winner
Feb 19, 2012
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As ever it's a matter of percentages...never certainty.

On the one hand you have a good operation, you do your bit, the physio does theirs and the body reacts as everyone end up shooting mid 70's ....and then there are the multitude of possible issues and outcomes from there.
Returning to a balanced strength position across the two legs asap is probably the biggest key to long term, well worth investing in physio reviews for a period beyond the focused repair - this sounds obvious but is very easily ignored as we revel in what's 'better'.


Challenge Tour Pro
Dec 11, 2011
East Sussex
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As with all things it doesn't always work out. My good lady had her knee replaced at the end of last year and this week she had the third injection in her back to cauterise the nerves controlling the function in her knee as she was struggling with going downstairs. That being said she has had more bone surgery over the years than anyone I know.


Medal Winner
Jan 15, 2017
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I'm here for support really as I've been suffering from psioratic arthritis myself for the last decade or so.I feel your pain and can empathize with you. I am on methotrexate to deal with it and for the most part it works.I imagine you're familiar with it?my knees are ok but my hips are starting to become a problem that pain relief and deep heat can't quite cover..... anyway good luck and feel free to pm me if you want to rant about PA with me👍


Journeyman Pro
Aug 21, 2008
East Yorks
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I feel you OP, I'm heading same way with Knee issues. I've struggled with a problematic left knee since I was 18, and now 55. I wrecked mine playing Rugby, losing most of the inner Meniscus during my surgery at 18, and having had 2/3 Arthroscopies
over the years since, have had to manage the situation since. My ACL is also shot in that knee too.
Saw my surgeon last week, who thinks that an MRI is only way to determine whether its a full or partial knee replacement needed, but I suspect the former, like you.

My wife had a Partial Replacement 3 weeks ago, and has made a fantastic recovery so far, so that doesnt concern me unduly, but I know that a Full Replacement is a little bigger hurdle, and like you, it worries me how it will affect my game long term.
That said, its affecting my game now, as I tend to quit on the 'fuller swing's' , ie Drives etc.

It WILL be worth it tho, good luck and make sure you rehab exactly as they tell you, and dont rush a thing ! 6mths off the game completely wont hurt you, but rushing things could set you back a lot longer.