Losing lag (with Flight scope Data included)


Journeyman Pro
Aug 12, 2012
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Had really good lesson last night and feeling that im am making huge progress with my swing.

Seem to be doing a lot right but not quite hitting the ball as low and as long as i "could" with my SS.

I am getting a little flippy on the downswing and hitting up on the ball. Any tips of thoughts that have helped you guys?

I can post my swing shortly soon, just waiting on it being uploaded by my pro


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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somethings not right, with 90 something club head speed you should be hitting further 150 yards. i would expect you pro would be the best person to answer your question


Tour Winner
Aug 13, 2010
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this has been the thorn in my side for 5 years. i have finally got it sorted and it's unlocked a huge amount of my game.

if you can video you swing face on then try this.....
when you start your downswing try and close the clubface as soon as you can by rotating the left forearm anti clockwise, keep the feeling of the clubface closing even after you hit the ball. the particular feeling i used was to show the back of the club (the logo side) to the sky during the follow through. you will hit alot of balls low and massively left to begin with but after a few baskets of balls my lower body was automatically opening more to overcome the club face closing.

I'm just saying what worked for me as i held onto all my left forearm rotation during the downswing and i had to flip release to be able to square the face. getting that left forearm to start rotating early and keep it rotating gave me shed loads of lag and power . give it a go
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Assistant Pro
Feb 25, 2014
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Not wanting to sound like I am the best golfer, but is distance everything? Looking at the data, you are up to 40 yards off line, and not that consistently straight. Personally I try and work on tightening up the dispersion and , if I need to hit a 7 iron further than 166, I use a 6 iron!😀


Tour Winner
Aug 13, 2010
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Not wanting to sound like I am the best golfer, but is distance everything? Looking at the data, you are up to 40 yards off line, and not that consistently straight. Personally I try and work on tightening up the dispersion and , if I need to hit a 7 iron further than 166, I use a 6 iron!😀

if you're flipping at impact then you are going to spray them all over the gaff. believe me i know.


Journeyman Pro
Aug 12, 2012
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if you're flipping at impact then you are going to spray them all over the gaff. believe me i know.

Amen to that brother.

In response to Neilds

The way I see it, if I flip I essentially open the club Face sending balls high and right. The numbers show this and when I acheive a neutral or negative AOA my shots are straighter.

In my defence apart from three leaky shots I'm very happy with my dispersion (last official HC was 18, maybe 16 currently?)

For me stopping the flips mean I have more chance to square the club face at impact meaning straighter, longer and lower shots.

Besides even if I had the ability to slow my swing speed in an attempt to hit straighter, I'm going to struggle personally.

If I need to slow down in order to try and groove a more laggy swing, then I'll try. But I can't swing a club slower with any success as my natural instinct is to attack the ball on the down swing.

I need help in attacking the ball in an efficient manner ideally.


Tour Rookie
May 3, 2011
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The average PGA tour average 7 iron swing speed (2014) was 90 mph

That being the case, perhaps it's worth either recalibrating your flightscope or just easing back a little to gain some control?

The other thing that looks a bit odd is that your spin rates look really low. Around 7000 might be expected, and yours are half that.
Not to say that you aren't doing what you say, just that the data looks a bit odd. Did your pro remark on this?


Tour Winner
Aug 13, 2010
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dont slow your swing down if you genuinely feel like you're swinging within yourself. my 7 iron is 94 and I'm always being told to slow down. i usually respond with "i tell you what, I'll hit one harder" they then understand that I'm not swinging 100%.

i feel your pain and understand how destructible it is. but as soon as you unlock it then its all down hill. my handicap went from 12 to 5 pretty much over night. my 7 iron went from 150 yards to about 170.

let me know if you try my tip above


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 6, 2010
Herts/Beds border
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Amen to that brother.

In response to Neilds

The way I see it, if I flip I essentially open the club Face sending balls high and right. The numbers show this and when I acheive a neutral or negative AOA my shots are straighter.

In my defence apart from three leaky shots I'm very happy with my dispersion (last official HC was 18, maybe 16 currently?)

For me stopping the flips mean I have more chance to square the club face at impact meaning straighter, longer and lower shots.

Besides even if I had the ability to slow my swing speed in an attempt to hit straighter, I'm going to struggle personally.

If I need to slow down in order to try and groove a more laggy swing, then I'll try. But I can't swing a club slower with any success as my natural instinct is to attack the ball on the down swing.

I need help in attacking the ball in an efficient manner ideally.

flipping to me means over active wrists shutting down the clubface through impact, producing hooks and bad shots that go left, not high and right, lets see what the video shows


Tour Winner
Aug 13, 2010
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flipping to me means over active wrists shutting down the clubface through impact, producing hooks and bad shots that go left, not high and right, lets see what the video shows

from my experience it causes both. the purpose of the flip is to unnaturally close the club face. sometimes you dont manage to close it in time, sometimes you catch it perfect and other times it closes too much. that's what's so bad about it, you don't have a constant miss


Tour Rookie
Jun 28, 2016
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this has been the thorn in my side for 5 years. i have finally got it sorted and it's unlocked a huge amount of my game.

if you can video you swing face on then try this.....
when you start your downswing try and close the clubface as soon as you can by rotating the left forearm anti clockwise, keep the feeling of the clubface closing even after you hit the ball. the particular feeling i used was to show the back of the club (the logo side) to the sky during the follow through. you will hit alot of balls low and massively left to begin with but after a few baskets of balls my lower body was automatically opening more to overcome the club face closing.

I'm just saying what worked for me as i held onto all my left forearm rotation during the downswing and i had to flip release to be able to square the face. getting that left forearm to start rotating early and keep it rotating gave me shed loads of lag and power . give it a go

cheers had success with that feeling before might go back to it

Is it the same with driver/woods?


Journeyman Pro
Aug 12, 2012
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Of course, you might just be hitting a driver, not a 7 iron and he didn't key it in right...,

I can assure you it was my 7 iron. The box may need calibrating I dunno.

I know from a track man session at a very reputable pro weeks my 8 iron as was 89

Spin rates were low but no real comment was made other than to say they were low. Was hitting crappy old range balls though. Not sure if this would impact spin rates


Journeyman Pro
Aug 12, 2012
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Have you tried the DST compressor club? might force you to not flip at the ball.

I own one pal and use it religiously.

The stats above may not highlight but I was consistently high and right before I bought it.

I saw a clip of my swing from a few years ago whimsy with the pro. Honestly say and night difference for the better.

It helps for sure. I just need more help


Journeyman Pro
Aug 12, 2012
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from my experience it causes both. the purpose of the flip is to unnaturally close the club face. sometimes you dont manage to close it in time, sometimes you catch it perfect and other times it closes too much. that's what's so bad about it, you don't have a constant miss

Yes pal. Totally correct and I suffer randomness

High push shot or real nasty snap hook were my bad un's

The hooks are going somewhat. Just fighting the high push.

The difference in feel when I do compress the ball it so so good. Need help making it happen more often.

Will give the tip a try (hopefully tomorrow) and feed back. Can I ask if there are any vids online for it?
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Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Already on it homer.

Just curious what the peeps on here think.

I have been recommended a drill. I'm just curious if anything else has helped others

you 6' plus some ?

what drill/s have been given?
what has been the general consistent feedback through lessons on the swing motion technique?

looking the #'s the dynamic loft is too high - the dl is more than the static build loft of the club
quality of strike location so where on the face contact is looks a tad variable

one thing you don't really need is that much CHS as at that speed there has gotta be a loss of control

impossible to say why all this is happening in this particular swing motion just off of the #'s
would guess you got to look at what the overall swing intention is in goin strike balls - looks as if there may be too much emphasis on trying to kill the ball goin on

to get better dynamic loft at strike some general stuff majority of weight has to be on lead leg - hips have to clear - to be able to have hands arrive before the clubhead so some shaft lean to lower the loft at strike

looking at the #'s & shot results would guess at some loss of posture coming into impact goin on
so a tad of standing up into the ball which means high hands/handle so too vertical shaft angle - clubhead bit toe down - face angle looking rightfield (so that flip type release)
possibly too much weight at impact still trailside

& likely some lack of sync goin on between body/arms/club somewhere's during the motion could be starting in the backswing or from transition

but as said that's just reading between the lines without seeing the swing motion

doing stuff like the hip punch or pelvic punch drill would probably help a bunch given it being done as it should be

if you thinking of posting swing motion would help a bunch to see swing motion with the 7i both from behind so the dtl view along with the caddy view (face-on)


Journeyman Pro
Aug 12, 2012
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Thanks coach.

I do believe the weight ends up on my toes sometimes and can shank them when I am not careful.

I tend to strike the ball near the heel but over the last few sessions have been much more out the middle of the club. My irons are black and it is easy to see this happening.

I do have a tendany so be a little inside on the takeaway, however this has got much better over the last year (primary focus of mine). Still lots of room for improvement

I'll get a clip loaded as soon as I can.

Reference your first question. I'm a 5'9 short arse. Ha