Looking for Writers.


Club Champion
Jan 24, 2015
Visit site
Hi there I am Charlie.
I am starting an online clubhouse for junior golfers. Please see the attached screenshot of the site appearance. If you want to help me make a difference to way that junior golf is publicised then please pop me an email or reply to thread. My email is charlieftwebb@gmail.com. This is something I am taking very seriously. I will tell you that your services will be voluntary.
Your work will consist of...
  • Sending me updates of achievements of juniors in your area.
  • Sending me reports of event and competition results in your area.
  • Writing monthly reports on the competitions, junior schemes and junior achievements.
The reason I say 'in your area' is because I am only one small person down here in Wiltshire and I need all the help I can get. I will be the person to create, edit and manage the blog however I need to know what junior golfers are doing around the country because I simply can't get all this information down here!
Thank you for taking your time to read this. Any feedback or thoughts will be greatly appreciated.
