Lonely Golfer

I was in this situation and really struggled to get my 3 cards together. I'm a lone wolf but I just play a roll up Thursday comp and Saturday is a draw so I'm always playing with new people. If I'm not playing a comp though I'm content on my own.
im in the exact same position i got a set of sticks because my friend has a high paying job and his boss is a golf fiend and is always telling him to play so i got him a set as well and hes too damn lazy to play i have became a full on addict, i have never actually joined a forum before this one either! but now im joing a club to get a handicap but im hoping to meet lots of golfers that can teach me some things! so if anybody here id from aberdeen gimme a message i will play anyway :)
I was in a similar position when I joined my club as only knew 1 person and he already played a regular 4 ball. I just turned up in the afternoon and played with anyone who would have me! To be honest I never got turned away and met some great people. Then just booked a slot on my own for the mornings and someone always tagged on. Eventually inwould tag on to others etc and met loads of people and never struggled to get a game. Eventually met the lads I play with now about 18 months ago.

You just have to put yourself out there and I'm a lot worse a golfer than you are!
Brilliant thread, actually.

Not only does it highlight what I went through, but also highlights the fact that clubs DO NOT DO ENOUGH (often) to encourage sociable golf.

There should be a 'New Member Chairperson' at every club whose role would be to get in touch with brand new members to:

a) arrange a game to get them their first or up-to-date handicap cards handed in
b) introduce them to existing members who play on the same days as them
c) educate them as to how to best play the course
d) ensure that they know basic rules, etiquette and know how to repair pitch marks / divots etc
i love the thought of the new member chairperson, i was away to join a club this weekend but spent my money on a new set of fitted irons first, but the main reason i want to join a club is to get a handicap but i dont know anybody to score my card to get me it
I tend to play on my own about 50% of the time and the other 50% with 1 or 2 others who I introduced to the game. Last year I decided I should get a handicap and the club secretary pointed me in the direction of some old chaps who play regularly every morning (I generally play in the morning too). They saw me, introduced themselves and were friendly. Unfortunately I never got out with them for various reasons but it shows there are always willing members!
Another thought is to say where you play and maybe someone from the forum would meet up?