1st time member


Medal Winner
Aug 10, 2007
Yorkshire Coast
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Just joined a club for the first time ever, and while I'm really struggling to play the game to the standard that I did before a 10 year lay off when I got married, I'm loving getting back out on the course.

While I've never had a handicap I used to regularly hit around the 90 mark at my local course so I used to state that my handicap was around 18. Now 10 years older, fatter and less flexible I'm struggling to break 50 (nine hole club). I'm convinced it will come, as I've hit better each round I've played.

I'd love to join in club activities a bit (was thinking Stableford to start) but don't really know where to start and if I need to get a handicap cert beforehand. Also afraid I'm just going to be a PITA noob, this makes me nervous. Obviously I understand the basics in terms of rules and regs and etiquette, I played with friends and societies for 10/12 years before dropping away.
Welcome, You can't have a handicap without being a member of a club first of all.

I never understand why people are nervous of joining a club TBH. I started playing 12 years ago after never playing before. the first thing i did was join a club and got stuck in. love it
Welcome, You can't have a handicap without being a member of a club first of all.

I never understand why people are nervous of joining a club TBH. I started playing 12 years ago after never playing before. the first thing i did was join a club and got stuck in. love it

I joined club about 2 weeks ago
I joined club about 2 weeks ago

great stuff. you have to put 3 cards in to get a handicap. this can be done playing with someone else who already has a handicap and a member or in a club comps and card is for handicap only ( can't win obv)

speak to the club handicap sec or the club pro and they should be able to set you up with someone to play with to get your HC
My advice would be not to be in too much of hurry to get a first handicap, get to know the course reasonably well first.

It depends on the clubs rules if you can play in a completion without a handicap (normally no entry fee as you cannot win anyway) for the purposes of submitting cards for an initial handicap.
Don't worry about getting to the handicap you were when you were younger.
I believe there is some that were as low as 4 when they were younger but can't get anywhere near single figures now.
Have fun that's the main thing.
Simply get stuck in at your new club. Get the three handicap cards in and don't worry if these are nowhere near where you were before. Take your new mark, get involved in club competitions and simply chip away at it. It'll come, probably slowly but the more you play the course the more you'll learn it and where to miss
It might seem odd OOB, But ave been a member now for ? Five years at a club since getting back into golf. But I know how you feel. Also with hind sight my worries re getting back into golf were ill founded.
So why do I say " I know how you feel" after all am now established with regular playing partners.
A couple of weeks ago I was asked by our club secretary to tell a guy why he should join. He was thinking about rejoining, no sorry getting back into golf. I had 5 minutes with him. He must of liked my Rammel waffle coz he joined. I invited him to play with us God help him. Which he now does. Club secretary dropped £20 on me bar card for selling the club to him.
But you have got to be yourself. Ask said club secretary if there's anyone you could go out with. He will know which members are chilled or serious. They in turn will give you course knowledge. Enjoy, relax and good luck looking for your new clubs which will be the next step 😁
Which club have you joined? I’m down in Filey for a week from next Sunday (26th), happy to have a game with you if you’re not far from there. I get down there 7 or 8 times a year. Have only been playing a couple of years, sounds like I’m at a similar level (25 handicap), not that that matters. Drop me a PM if interested.
Welcome, You can't have a handicap without being a member of a club first of all.

I never understand why people are nervous of joining a club TBH. I started playing 12 years ago after never playing before. the first thing i did was join a club and got stuck in. love it

Different personality types?
Some are happy to jump straight in whereas some are more comfortable getting involved gradually.

Welcome OP and enjoy - the game (and forum!) will drive you mad at times but it's worth it 👍
Don't worry about getting to the handicap you were when you were younger.
I believe there is some that were as low as 4 when they were younger but can't get anywhere near single figures now.
Have fun that's the main thing.

Actually - if OP never had an official club handicap then he has never had the pressure of playing with a card that matters in his hand. We could all at one time before we had a handicap 'play to about' - but once we had a card in our hand :)

So I'd say to OP - you played to about 18 - for first handicap expect something like 22.
The reason behind me saying delay getting a handicap is because your initial handicap may prevent entry in to some competitions or you could end up in a division where the competitors may be a lot 'better' than you so your chances of winning are not as good.
The reason behind me saying delay getting a handicap is because your initial handicap may prevent entry in to some competitions or you could end up in a division where the competitors may be a lot 'better' than you so your chances of winning are not as good.

Nah - don't agree with such manipulation, and there will always be comps for whatever handicap you have. I got a handicap to enable me to play in comps - and at first I didn't enter to win - I entered to be part of the comp and to have a go. You've got to learn to lose before you understand how to win. Might as well start that learning process sooner rather than later.

Bit like sightseeing in Glasgow. If you wait for the rain to stop before going out you'll see nothing other than the inside of your accommodation. Get out there and learn how to enjoy yourself whilst getting wet.
What happens if a person get an initial handicap of say 30 and the club has a handicap limit for entry in to competitions of 28.

I know that is not true in this case but some may have limits of 18 (ours used to).
What happens if a person get an initial handicap of say 30 and the club has a handicap limit for entry in to competitions of 28.

I know that is not true in this case but some may have limits of 18 (ours used to).
That may often happen if they want to keep the no of entries down or for honours board comps.

But they are obliged to provide a 'reasonable' no of comps in order for all players to maintain an appropriate/true handicap.
That may often happen if they want to keep the no of entries down or for honours board comps.

But they are obliged to provide a 'reasonable' no of comps in order for all players to maintain an appropriate/true handicap.

And clubs will not want members to become frustrated at not being able to play in any comps.
Which club have you joined? I’m down in Filey for a week from next Sunday (26th), happy to have a game with you if you’re not far from there. I get down there 7 or 8 times a year. Have only been playing a couple of years, sounds like I’m at a similar level (25 handicap), not that that matters. Drop me a PM if interested.

Apologies- since I originally joined the forum, I have moved away from Yorkshire, now in Essex.

All the courses in the area are really nice though- Definitely try Filey, Brid, Brid Links, Both Scarborough Courses. Only one I'd avoid is Flamborough, unless you enjoy 40mph wind.
Feeling a bit better about life and golf (or is it golf and life?) as hit 45 on the front 9 and 48 on the back yesterday, without playing anywhere near my best. If I can continue to loosen the muscles and up my general consistency, I'll be joining in soon enough. I know there's competition conditions etc, but I've played competitive sport my entire life,
Apologies- since I originally joined the forum, I have moved away from Yorkshire, now in Essex.

All the courses in the area are really nice though- Definitely try Filey, Brid, Brid Links, Both Scarborough Courses. Only one I'd avoid is Flamborough, unless you enjoy 40mph wind.

Have played Scarborough North Cliff and Filey a few times. Also Brid Belvedere last time I was down. Enjoyed them all. Might try South Cliff and the other Brid course next week.