Local Rule adopted but not published.


Medal Winner
Feb 27, 2018
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The R&A state that when local rules are adopted the Committee need to make sure that any Local Rules are available for players to see, whether on the scorecard, a handout, notice board or website.
But what should happen if a club / committee (for whatever reason) just states "Winter Rules in operation" and fails to publish the actual temporary local rule ?
Of course the Committee should be made aware of their shortcomings, but how should players in a competition proceed? a) Assume the model local rule (E-3) is in use, taking a 6 inch relief area because "that's what we've always done" or b) Take no relief as no local rule has been published.


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Jul 24, 2012
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[Aside] There was a quite lengthy discussion last year on the artificial surrounds to our new and rebuilt bunkers (artificial revetting using old astroturf). Point made by the rules experts (and confirmed by the R&A) was that these surrounds were immovable artificial obstructions from which relief is afforded unless they are declared as 'Integral Objects' and a notice published. None had been at the time - and lots of what-if debate ensued. But given the great advice from those here that I passed to the club, a written statement to that effect was posted on our notice board and in the Pro Shop. Better than nothing, but could easily have been missed.

However we've just had new score cards printed and a statement identifying the bunker surrounds as Integral Objects has been included on it.

Thanks to all who advised me and who got the confirmation form the R&A.
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Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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The R&A state that when local rules are adopted the Committee need to make sure that any Local Rules are available for players to see, whether on the scorecard, a handout, notice board or website.
But what should happen if a club / committee (for whatever reason) just states "Winter Rules in operation" and fails to publish the actual temporary local rule ?
Of course the Committee should be made aware of their shortcomings, but how should players in a competition proceed? a) Assume the model local rule (E-3) is in use, taking a 6 inch relief area because "that's what we've always done" or b) Take no relief as no local rule has been published.

Does your club have a Local Rules book.


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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Not that I‘m aware of.

Without knowing a definitive answer you cannot be sure then that the club has not published local rules. I know where I play a lot of players are unaware that we have LR book despite it saying on the card we have one.

My own view is that with you that rules should be published.

When you read Section 8 it says

The Committee should ensure that the Local Rules are made available to the players whether on the scorecard, through a Notice to Players or in some other way.,

simply stating 'Winter Rules are in operation' may fulfil this requirement.


Assistant Pro
Jul 25, 2011
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Without knowing a definitive answer you cannot be sure then that the club has not published local rules. I know where I play a lot of players are unaware that we have LR book despite it saying on the card we have one.

My own view is that with you that rules should be published.

When you read Section 8 it says

The Committee should ensure that the Local Rules are made available to the players whether on the scorecard, through a Notice to Players or in some other way.,

simply stating 'Winter Rules are in operation' may fulfil this requirement.


Assistant Pro
Jul 25, 2011
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I was under the impression that there was no such thing as Winter Rules, only Temporary Local Rules to address poor Winter Conditions, that Temporary Rules should not be on the Score Cards but that they had to be posted on the Notice Board where every user of the Course had the opportunity of reading them, posting them only on the web site being insufficient as not everybody has access to a PC/Internet, unless you have a Starter that informs everyone on the first tee of the Rules or they are posted on the Clubs Notice Board some players may not be aware of what Rules are in force.


Assistant Pro
Jul 25, 2011
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That's odd, the first message (messages 215) attributed to me is not mine, the second one (216) being my response the previous one eg -"W/R are in op" may fulfil this requirement.


Tour Winner
Feb 21, 2013
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I was under the impression that there was no such thing as Winter Rules,
The pre 2019 rules referred to "Preferred Lies" 2 and "Winter Rules" as being the same thing.
The current rules say "When such conditions are widespread on the course, the Committee can choose to adopt a Local Rule for “preferred lies” (also known as “winter rules”) ...."


Medal Winner
Feb 27, 2018
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When you read Section 8 it says

The Committee should ensure that the Local Rules are made available to the players whether on the scorecard, through a Notice to Players or in some other way.,

simply stating 'Winter Rules are in operation' may fulfil this requirement.
There isn’t a local rule book at the club.
Section 3 states that any local rules must be available for players to see.

duncan mackie

Money List Winner
Feb 19, 2012
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You can only question it, you cannot assume. If you have started a competition round and haven't got a phone to call in and resolve you play to the published rules.

Once aware of it you are as responsible for resolving it with the committee as they were for ensuring it didn't happen in the first place!

I'm sure it's now published properly...?


Medal Winner
Feb 27, 2018
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Well I have told the Seniors captain and the Seniors handicap secretary and will message the other officials. I just wondered what the position would be if nothing is published before the weekend competitions go ahead.


Journeyman Pro
May 18, 2009
Monmouthshire, UK via Guildford!
Surely an existentialist debate...

...if a local rule isn't published is it really a rule at all?

You can't abide by or call a penalty on something that you can't know about. But i guess the folk who prefer debating rules to hitting golf balls will have fun with this for many hours! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

No offence intended. Where I play, local rules on the board by ist tee, on the board by the main door, pro often points out changes. If they change but no comms happen, they haven't happened.

Committee have done half a job, so they can apologise and fix the omission


Assistant Pro
Jul 25, 2011
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The pre 2019 rules referred to "Preferred Lies" 2 and "Winter Rules" as being the same thing.
The current rules say "When such conditions are widespread on the course, the Committee can choose to adopt a Local Rule for “preferred lies” (also known as “winter rules”) ...."
Know your rules quote will be word perfect - but calling Pref Lies as a Winter Rule suggests it is a rule only for the "Winter" when in fact pref lies can thus also be known as "Autumn or Spring Rules" Winter is only from 23/12/19 to 20/03/20.