

Club Champion
Feb 3, 2008
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Hi all, a bit of advice if you please. I am a 19 handicap, 41 year old golfer. My game has been in steady decline for the last 12 months and I feel close to packing it all in. I am not even sure how to swing the club any more. I have a permanent slice, can achieve no distance and have little confidence left.

My question is how much difference can lessons make. I have played on and off for 20+ years and don't want to spend hundreds of pounds trying to change a swing that has been the same way for so long, only to find it stays the same. Can an old dog like me be taught new tricks? I don't expect to become a scratch golfer but surely I should be able to compete off 19.

Sorry for rambling on but it is getting me down. Thanks for reading, and in advance for your comments.
Lessons will help but don't expect instant results, you've got to put in proper range practice, not playing rounds, to ingrain changes.
You should get 6 lessons for £100 or so, much more valuable than a new driver for example.
If the game continues to frustrate you then get a new hobby, it is supposed to be fun!

I had the same problem about 6 weeks ago but i was thinning every thing and could not hit a decent ball. My confidence was lower than a snakes belly.

However i had a lesson with my local pro. He sorted me out in no time at all. Having someone look at your swing and then make slight adjustments is all it will take to put you back on track and i am sure you will find your form again.

I have been in your position and i am sure many others have been as well and it not a nice place to be. Mate keep at it work at it and you will prevail.


You cannot fix a problem until you know what it is and your pro should at least be able to point you in the right direction. I had a similar problem and 3 simple changes from my pro got me going again.
BM96......I think you underestimate the value of a professional eye on what you do. If you book up 6 (under £100) and at the end of it all are no better, then you've lost £100 and learned that it's all over. But (and my experience is exactly the same as that of a golf pro) even older students can improve dramatically; although the muscles and time periods to ingrain the changes are longer. However, you have experience and patience on your side.
The length of time you have been playing does not change the speed at which you can make some technique changes. A change is a change, all that stops it from being part of your new technique is whether of not you truly understand why and how to change and have the dedication to practice. I don't often give advice to adults but when I do I want them to see/feel/understand the difference and to commit to giving it a try. Sometimes I'd leave a lesson, work hard and come back to discover I hadn't quite got the idea, so my pro would come at it from a different angle. That doesn't mean to say the first lesson was necessarily wasted, the ways we learn are hard to fully appreciate.
I'd say give it a try. If you can calm the slice and find some consistency, you'll enjoy it all much more. I'm 38 and completely re-building my swing (we are thinking 6+6+6 lessons) with two months of down time between the blocks for settling in between. I'm doing it now, because I don't want to do it at 50 say. I asked my pro about my age.....he said I could swing the club and was not a beginner, so although the plan is to start from the foundations again, the experience and muscle memory will allow it to happen if I have the dedication to work. If you can do it now (even if badly) you can do it better....SURE.
One more thing Bossman, there are many golfers who would love to play off 19. You're obviously not rubbish, just low on confidence. You'll come out the other side of your slump a better player. Even pros go through periods like this.
I think some lessons would help,if you play off 19 you can't be that bad, some people never reach that handicap.The pro would probably only need to make some small adjustments which would make all the difference. :cool:

Book the lessons,I am 5 and I need one at least once every 6 weeks.

Listen,absorb and practice, 19 is not good but you will be astonished at how quickly you progress!

I may sound delusional but if you can stand up and hit it 200yds then single figures is not a pipe dream I promise!!

This is the finest game of all,dont dive it away lightly.
I took up golf properly again at the start of 2007 after a pretty lengthy break and got a starting handicap of 2o. I went to a local pro and had a series of 5 lessons over a three month period and by the end of the season I was down to 13.

The guy completely rebuilt my swing from very upright (almost Furyk like) to one that was much more around the body on a wide plane.

The changes were painful to implement and took a lot of dedication at the range to make the swing repetitive and avoid the temptation of reverting back to the old ways. It was very difficult in the early days on course too when another shot went in completely the wrong direction or was topped, thinned (or even shanked). My partners all too the mickey saying I had wasted my money and was getting no better.

However I kept with it and over the course of the summer won two monthly stablefords and a monthly medal. A lot of the players I played with in these competitions who didn't know I had been having lessons were convinced I was a bandit because my swing was significantly better than my handicap at the time.

My advise to you would be to have the lessons. No question. You might have to write most of the season off as you try and implement the obvious changes if the pro decides your swing needs a major overhaul. However I reckon your problems probably lie in only a couple of minor swing mechanics which with a few lessons and a lot of hard work from you can be fixed. If I am right and you put the work in now there is no reason why by June when the course is at its best you can't be playing really well and your handicap tumbling
Check out my story in the April edition of GM - "Max Your Game". And, at last, I've got another lesson booked with Paul Foston next week.
Hi Bossman,
Dont give up mate, I agree with the others great advice guys, one thing I would add is put some time in on the driving range, just do 30 balls at a time whether is goes well or not. (ie if it goes well leave with a smile on your face if its not so good leave knowing that youll be better next time) Remember nothing beats hitting that ball sweetly.
Let us know how you get on

Given you have replied to a man who got married in the same language you speak and to another native speaker, I'm going to ignore your insult. She'll verify in the morning, but I get the jist.....cheers.....how do know I'm English?
Pooh bah gave you away.

Fair play,that was a bit mild, you should try my dad!!

Lets be honest tho we both know I am hiding a basic lack of vocab.
Only about 6 weeks ago i had my first ever lesson. have been playing properly since oct last year. Have always had a club in my hand since i was a kid.

I am right handed and used to hold the club with my right hand at the top. (cackie handed) When i went for my first lesson the pro told me if i wanted to be any good i should swap my hands around and play the correct way. I was reluctant to at first but took the advice of the guys on here. And am i glad i did.

I thought it would take me at least 6 months to be any good because it was like picking a club up for the first time. Eager to get back playing i worked hard at the range 3 times a week with only 50 balls a time, sure enough the lesson paid off and i started striking the ball better within a week.

Lessons can make all the difference, and even pro's have them so there is no shame in it. But i echo what has already been said, you have to work hard and be patient. You will be rewarded greatly if you do as i am now playing the most enjoyable golf i ever have!