Kuch the cheapskate!

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Jul 13, 2015
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What the Kuchar lovers are missing is the negativity it brings on him, his sponsors and the tournament sponsors.

The negativity he's brought to the tournament and the amount of negative press he's brought on himself and the tour. That impacts on the fan buying the tickets, buying the merchandise. Fans buying the Bridgestone ball, clubs etc.

Yes Kuch has denied paying only $3k but has also admitted he didn't pay the going rate.

Guess what Kuch you have made yourself look like a spoiled brat. A money grabbing greedy so and so.

Enjoy the negative press and try explaining the negativity you have brought on the tour.


Tour Winner
Jan 21, 2013
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What the Kuchar lovers are missing is the negativity it brings on him, his sponsors and the tournament sponsors.

The negativity he's brought to the tournament and the amount of negative press he's brought on himself and the tour. That impacts on the fan buying the tickets, buying the merchandise. Fans buying the Bridgestone ball, clubs etc.

Yes Kuch has denied paying only $3k but has also admitted he didn't pay the going rate.

Guess what Kuch you have made yourself look like a spoiled brat. A money grabbing greedy so and so.

Enjoy the negative press and try explaining the negativity you have brought on the tour.

I think you may be over egging the reach and impression kuchar has on the tour......

Also, if anyone is to blame it is the lesser known player who had spread rumours.

As to being Kuchar lovers. I don’t really like his style. I think he plays safe too often racking up the place money BUT I would say the same thing no matter who the golf was. He agreed a fee, he paid a fee. The only people who have an issue with it and talking about it, are those wishing to make an issue out of nothing.


Jul 13, 2015
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I think you may be over egging the reach and impression kuchar has on the tour......

Also, if anyone is to blame it is the lesser known player who had spread rumours.

As to being Kuchar lovers. I don’t really like his style. I think he plays safe too often racking up the place money BUT I would say the same thing no matter who the golf was. He agreed a fee, he paid a fee. The only people who have an issue with it and talking about it, are those wishing to make an issue out of nothing.



Anyway night night my new stalker. Lock horns again soon.


Head Pro
Jul 22, 2015
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What the Kuchar lovers are missing is the negativity it brings on him, his sponsors and the tournament sponsors.

The negativity he's brought to the tournament and the amount of negative press he's brought on himself and the tour. That impacts on the fan buying the tickets, buying the merchandise. Fans buying the Bridgestone ball, clubs etc.

Yes Kuch has denied paying only $3k but has also admitted he didn't pay the going rate.

Guess what Kuch you have made yourself look like a spoiled brat. A money grabbing greedy so and so.

Enjoy the negative press and try explaining the negativity you have brought on the tour.

The going rate is for a professional tour caddie, who travels with you and is away from home 30 weeks of the year. And the 10% is also subject to negotiation depending on retainers, experience etc.

Think of poor old Austin Johnson hoofing it all the way to Carnoustie last year to get a soaking and watch his brother hack it round for 36 holes. That week he part-earned his 10% bonus when he went back to Canada the next week and caddied for DJ in more favourable conditions, winning the Canadian Open.


Tour Winner
Jan 21, 2013
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I think you may be over egging the reach and impression kuchar has on the tour......

Also, if anyone is to blame it is the lesser known player who had spread rumours.

As to being Kuchar lovers. I don’t really like his style. I think he plays safe too often racking up the place money BUT I would say the same thing no matter who the golf was. He agreed a fee, he paid a fee. The only people who have an issue with it and talking about it, are those wishing to make an issue out of nothing.

Stalker because I disagree with you?

Get over yourself.


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2018
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What the Kuchar lovers are missing is the negativity it brings on him, his sponsors and the tournament sponsors.

The negativity he's brought to the tournament and the amount of negative press he's brought on himself and the tour. That impacts on the fan buying the tickets, buying the merchandise. Fans buying the Bridgestone ball, clubs etc.

Yes Kuch has denied paying only $3k but has also admitted he didn't pay the going rate.

Guess what Kuch you have made yourself look like a spoiled brat. A money grabbing greedy so and so.

Enjoy the negative press and try explaining the negativity you have brought on the tour.
Oh dear Jacko_G sometimes you really do like a bandwagon to jump on is it because you're easily bored or just prefer trying to wind people up.

Saying we're Kuchar lovers because we don't agree with you, or believe he has brought negative press on tour with paying someone an agreed fee for his services.

It's a non story created by someone who couldn't cut it on tour but people like you need theae drums to bang in order to be able to slate people for having the audacity to disagree with your opinion. Yet still no word from the Caddy as to what he was paid which shows he is happy with what was agreed.


Occasional Tour Caddy
Nov 20, 2011
Port Louis
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On balance of probability;

He probably had a deal with the caddy before the comp started that meant it would've been 3k (local chap just being a stand in for a few days)
He probably had aspirations but little expectations of actually winning (given his winless streak)
He probably upped that 3k somewhat after winning (but not near the level his contracted guy would get)
They were both probably delighted with their weeks work (player for wining and caddy for getting a decent wedge of cash above expectation)
They probably didn't even exchange Christmas cards (not through any dislike but simply because they barely know each other)
They probably wonder why all the fuss is being made


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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On balance of probability;

He probably had a deal with the caddy before the comp started that meant it would've been 3k (local chap just being a stand in for a few days)
He probably had aspirations but little expectations of actually winning (given his winless streak)
He probably upped that 3k somewhat after winning (but not near the level his contracted guy would get)
They were both probably delighted with their weeks work (player for wining and caddy for getting a decent wedge of cash above expectation)
They probably didn't even exchange Christmas cards (not through any dislike but simply because they barely know each other)
They probably wonder why all the fuss is being made
The voice of reason...(y)


Jul 13, 2015
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I wonder if Kuchar would have won if he didn't have the benefit of a local caddie's course knowledge.

Kuch is already on record as saying the guy was a good luck charm and he couldn't have won it without his help.

Then shafts the guy by paying a pittance.

Caught well and truly with his pants down.


Challenge Tour Pro
Jan 23, 2015
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The guy earns $1200 on a standard week looping for holiday hackers. Kuchar was already being cheap with a $3k rate, but if that was agreed then so be it. So you guys thinking he earned miles more than usual and that justifies it aren't correct there. That was his weekly retainer if you like.

But to then not tip the guy after helping him win by a single shot (and publicly stating how he helped) is why he's a cheapskate. He effectively paid 0% 'commission', or if you don't accept the retainer argument then a measly 0.25%.

If you guys think that's ok for someone with $50 mill in the bank then I'm glad I'm not reliant on tips to pay my bills.

If other tour pros and caddies are brazen enough to call this out, it almost certainly happened. He's had the rep for a long long time within the inner circle, as has Tiger. It just happens that it went public this time.


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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And is any of this fact?
Or just rumour?
Tell you what, let's hang the guy on the back of something someone may have overhead that may have been said in jest...
Jeez, some people like a bit of overreaction...


Jul 11, 2009
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Total non story. Someone is not obliged to up the rate at which they pay because they’re rich. Price was set, price was paid. Very simple.

Anything else is simple faux-rage and has no place in reasoned discussion of this particular incident. Emotions and business can make uncomfortable bedfellows.


Jul 13, 2015
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And is any of this fact?
Or just rumour?
Tell you what, let's hang the guy on the back of something someone may have overhead that may have been said in jest...
Jeez, some people like a bit of overreaction...

Well the fact that Kuch has admitted to not paying him the regular winners amount suggests that there is a good deal of fire with this smoke.

Deleted member 15344

Kuch is already on record as saying the guy was a good luck charm and he couldn't have won it without his help.

Then shafts the guy by paying a pittance.

Caught well and truly with his pants down.
The guy earns $1200 on a standard week looping for holiday hackers. Kuchar was already being cheap with a $3k rate, but if that was agreed then so be it. So you guys thinking he earned miles more than usual and that justifies it aren't correct there. That was his weekly retainer if you like.

But to then not tip the guy after helping him win by a single shot (and publicly stating how he helped) is why he's a cheapskate. He effectively paid 0% 'commission', or if you don't accept the retainer argument then a measly 0.25%.

If you guys think that's ok for someone with $50 mill in the bank then I'm glad I'm not reliant on tips to pay my bills.

If other tour pros and caddies are brazen enough to call this out, it almost certainly happened. He's had the rep for a long long time within the inner circle, as has Tiger. It just happens that it went public this time.

Why are you both talking as if its all fact and true ?

Kuchar himself has come out and said its not true , the caddy hasnt said anything negative about how much he was paid.

This is a very good take on it

But notice how many qualifiers are in the above paragraph. “Likely.” “Whether.” “Possible.” “If.” Chamblee is spot-on in this regard: We have no idea what actually happened. My best guess: Kuchar did give him a bonus. It was almost assuredly less than 10%, because Kuchar probably had to do more work than he would have in a normal week, but a bonus nonetheless. This, though gets at a larger issue—judging a guy’s character based on a tweet, without hearing from either party involved in the transaction, is the slipperiest of slippery slopes, like a straight-downhill-on-baked-out-Shinnecock-greens level slippery. Had the caddie himself made this claim, it’d be a different story. But he didn’t, and Kuchar himself denied the $3,000 number. Nothing else to see here, as far as I’m concerned.


And so what if he is tight ? Its not a crime and i suspect many are the same when it comes to money that they have worked hard to get

I guess he is that tight he wouldnt give that much money away yet he appears to support charities very well



And there are loads of other examples of his charity work.

The whole thread is poor but i guess its not really a surprise anymore


Challenge Tour Pro
Jan 23, 2015
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Why are you both talking as if its all fact and true ?

Kuchar himself has come out and said its not true , the caddy hasnt said anything negative about how much he was paid.

This is a very good take on it

But notice how many qualifiers are in the above paragraph. “Likely.” “Whether.” “Possible.” “If.” Chamblee is spot-on in this regard: We have no idea what actually happened. My best guess: Kuchar did give him a bonus. It was almost assuredly less than 10%, because Kuchar probably had to do more work than he would have in a normal week, but a bonus nonetheless. This, though gets at a larger issue—judging a guy’s character based on a tweet, without hearing from either party involved in the transaction, is the slipperiest of slippery slopes, like a straight-downhill-on-baked-out-Shinnecock-greens level slippery. Had the caddie himself made this claim, it’d be a different story. But he didn’t, and Kuchar himself denied the $3,000 number. Nothing else to see here, as far as I’m concerned.


And so what if he is tight ? Its not a crime and i suspect many are the same when it comes to money that they have worked hard to get

I guess he is that tight he wouldnt give that much money away yet he appears to support charities very well



And there are loads of other examples of his charity work.

The whole thread is poor but i guess its not really a surprise anymore

If the thread is that poor why have you stayed up all night researching your response? Just move on, your presence in a thread doesn't authenticate it.

I've never stated it is fact and if people believe Kuch that's fine. There are some that think even if he did pay just $3k that's ok, which is what I politely disagree with.

Deleted member 15344

If the thread is that poor why have you stayed up all night researching your response? Just move on, your presence in a thread doesn't authenticate it.

I've never stated it is fact and if people believe Kuch that's fine. There are some that think even if he did pay just $3k that's ok, which is what I politely disagree with.

If other tour pros and caddies are brazen enough to call this out, it almost certainly happened.

Yet you are happy to make the above judgement based on the word of someone unrelated to the incident

Stay up all night ? Nah took two mins to have a quick look and find out a few facts first - maybe give it a go next time before judging a mans character.


Tour Winner
Jan 21, 2013
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If the thread is that poor why have you stayed up all night researching your response? Just move on, your presence in a thread doesn't authenticate it.

I've never stated it is fact and if people believe Kuch that's fine. There are some that think even if he did pay just $3k that's ok, which is what I politely disagree with.
I didn’t realise that the guy earned 1.2k in the first pace tbh so I accept 3k isn’t a great step up. That being said, it would depend what extra he did for kuch that he didn’t for others that would warrant the extra 1.8k in the first place. I mean if people are paying 1.2k for his services usually then I’d imagine these guys aren’t exactly poor, so Kuchar wealth shouldn’t matter imo.

Local caddies very rarely get the 10% due to many factors so I think him being criticised for not paying it is way off the mark, unless the tip is revealed then it’s all just he said she said. I mean if could had missed the cut then the 10% is worth nothing.....


Has Now Found His Wedgie
Sep 3, 2007
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Local caddies very rarely get the 10% due to many factors so I think him being criticised for not paying it is way off the mark, unless the tip is revealed then it’s all just he said she said. I mean if could had missed the cut then the 10% is worth nothing.....

If Kuchar had missed the cut, would the local caddy have still received the same fee, or would it have been halved it? If he had missed the cut but paid him in full, would there have been any story, I doubt it. I guess we don't know the answer to that, in the same way we don't really know the story here either. Too many people getting het up over a tweet that doesn't seem to have much foundation, and then getting upset because others disagree with their opinion.


Jul 13, 2015
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jeez, get a life people

It’s conjecture and speculation and rumour and knickers are getting twisted

"Get a life"

What a well thought out response. Added lots to the thread Mr Mod.

As you are quite aware people are welcomed to debate and discuss all topics.

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