Keeping connected


Q-School Graduate
Jul 29, 2011
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Can anybody give me their thoughts on this golf drill.

At the moment i am trying to start my downswing with the lower party of my body.
I've noticed my arms don't "drop into the slot"/ "shallow out" when doing this, and think this is becuase my arms swing too independently from my body,
i came across the above drill on you tube and hope it will help me, though i've had a few practive swings and it just feels soo strange.

Appreciate any thoughts....



Tour Winner
Jul 20, 2011
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It will help with the swing path very well. Good drill. Not sure about it pulling your arms down in the downswing. My head says no, but not sure. With me my arms just come down as I turn my body in the downswing. Maybe you are thinking, about your arm to much and not letting thing just happen?

The correct address position. Correct backswing, position at the top of your backswing, you can control. The downswing is just a reaction to everything you have done before. You do not have time to think about it.

So get the basics right then just let it happen. To many people try to over think the swing. Its all just cause and reaction. Hope this is of some help.


Tour Rookie
Aug 6, 2007
Croydon, Surrey
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Not sure what you mean exactly Tim. However, this is a drill that Faldo used to use. I think theres a warning there as his swing had no width what so ever for a time, and he really struggled. He and Leadbetter marketed
a 'Leadbetter Swinglink' for this purpose. I still use mine today.
Therefore, the key is not to swing too far back or through (notice how short of horizontal this chap in the vid swings) otherwise you will drop the towel any how. Also, its the body rotation which gets the club back to square and also produces the club head spead. Faldo use to refer to 'flash speed' - which is the way of generating club head speed with no synchronicity.
I get the feeling of all movement being lead by my body and not my arms and my rythm improves dramatically.
I would suggest getting the feeling of the body turning back and through and forgetting about your arms.


Q-School Graduate
Jul 29, 2011
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thanks for your thoughts guys.

i guess i'm referring to the transistion phase in the swing, i originally thought when you get to the top of the back swing there were two independent movements, starting the swing with the lower body and bringing the arms down, this is what i try do but my swing plane seems so steep

Now i'm thinking from the top of the back swing it is just one movement from the lower body, because the arms are "connected" no other independent movement is required, for example if you look at mcilroy's down swing, i think he hits the ball almost entirely with his lower body movement? ....
he doesn't seem to do much with the upper body apart from remaining "connected"........?


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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I tried this drill for some time but I ended up creating a bad hook through taking the club back inside in an attempt to keep the towel pinned to my right arm. The other problem is that it creates a narrow swing arc which loses power.

What I prefer is to keep the Left Bicept pushed tightly against the Left Pec during the back and downswing, this maintains a good conection. The right elbow needs to move away from the body in the backswing so a wide takeaway can be made, this is helped by keeping the elbows as close together as possible through the swing.

Working this way you can maintain good connection, a good wide swing arc and keep the swing on plane.