Keep hitting a massive slice..?


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Struth, there is a lot of information here on what differing body parts are doing but that is not the problem. The problem is the ball is slicing and the cause of this is to do with what the clubhead does when it strikes the ball.

A slice is caused by clockwise spin on the ball, the axis the ball spins on is tipped over to the right, the ball takes off in the direction the clubface is pointing at impact and will turn in flight by the direction the clubface cuts across the ball.

To create a slice your swing path has to be to the left of your club face direction at impact, this normally means you are swinging out to in.

Forget about what your shoulders, hips, arms, wrists are doing and think about what the club face is doing as it hits through the ball. To stop slicing you need the club face to be hitting more in to out. In your mind think of the club striking the ball from the inside right quadrant and through to the outside left quadrant, this will create anti clockwise spin and make more of a draw. I know the thought of hitting out to the right seems wrong but it is what you must do to remove your sliced shots.


Tour Winner
Jul 1, 2009
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Struth, there is a lot of information here on what differing body parts are doing but that is not the problem. The problem is the ball is slicing and the cause of this is to do with what the clubhead does when it strikes the ball.

A slice is caused by clockwise spin on the ball, the axis the ball spins on is tipped over to the right, the ball takes off in the direction the clubface is pointing at impact and will turn in flight by the direction the clubface cuts across the ball.

To create a slice your swing path has to be to the left of your club face direction at impact, this normally means you are swinging out to in.

Forget about what your shoulders, hips, arms, wrists are doing and think about what the club face is doing as it hits through the ball. To stop slicing you need the club face to be hitting more in to out. In your mind think of the club striking the ball from the inside right quadrant and through to the outside left quadrant, this will create anti clockwise spin and make more of a draw. I know the thought of hitting out to the right seems wrong but it is what you must do to remove your sliced shots.

Not a million miles from one of the points I was making.

1. You want to be swinging the club so that you attack the ball from slightly inside as if you are trying to hit the ball to the right.

The other point which I stand by is that the shoulders need to be relatively square to the target line at impact. I cant see that wide open shoulders (at impact not shortly afterwards) can result in anything other than a slice or a straight pull. Your arms do tend to follow the path of your shoulders more often than not.


Tour Winner
Jul 20, 2011
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Not a million miles from one of the points I was making.

1. You want to be swinging the club so that you attack the ball from slightly inside as if you are trying to hit the ball to the right.

The other point which I stand by is that the shoulders need to be relatively square to the target line at impact. I cant see that wide open shoulders (at impact not shortly afterwards) can result in anything other than a slice or a straight pull. Your arms do tend to follow the path of your shoulders more often than not.

No one has said anything about wide open shoulders at impact. Other than you that is. I said they should be open/opening. Maybe I did not explain myself clear enough. But then I assumed people would know, what was ment. Not twist it to suit their view.. The shoulders will be square just before impact and starting to open at impact. So therefor, no matter how slight the shoulders will be open at impact. Is that clear enough now then.:whistle::thup:


Challenge Tour Pro
Mar 24, 2009
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You will be swinging out to in then. My honest advice would be to seek a pro's help. Its not a easy thing to remedy. Be prepared for hard work and a soul destroying journey.
(This is coming from a former slicer of the ball)

Lump, I think being a former slicer is similar to being a former alcoholic. You're probably not slicing at the moment but there is always the opportunity to backslide!
You should probably describe your self as a Slicer that chooses not to. (at the moment)

duncan mackie

Money List Winner
Feb 19, 2012
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Lump, I think being a former slicer is similar to being a former alcoholic. You're probably not slicing at the moment but there is always the opportunity to backslide!
You should probably describe your self as a Slicer that chooses not to. (at the moment)

does the same apply to former hookers?