It looks like a little different.

I think the white helmets motorcycle display team peaked at about 6 or 7 guys. Even the sheep in Wallace abd Grommet didn't get past about 12. I would travel a long way to see 80 blokes on a motorcycle.

In layers it would go:


That kind of wouldn't work.

Smiffy, you need more mates.
I think you're right, Murph. It's doomed to failure.

80 on a motorbike to Fort William ain't gonna work, Smiffy.

There's a low bridge just outside Ballachulish.

hi, i am back again.
I am talking about golf, not eating!
I have check carefully about the website i mention, i THINK it seems good, I plan to try to buy a cgb there and let all of you know who it process.
anybody hear that.............. No? I thought I heard something.

Tell ya what It was bloody cold this morning. My boot wouldn't open, it had iced shut.

Nevermind just about to have a brew with some crumpets. Peanut butter and jam on them.

O and just to clarify my memory foam pillow didn't get dimensia it rembrred what it should of been shaped like and I had a great sleep thanks.

Hi jim!
hi, i am back again.
I am talking about golf, not eating!
I have check carefully about the website i mention, i THINK it seems good, I plan to try to buy a cgb there and let all of you know who it process.

If you dont like pies, crisps and the 10 o’clock news then you're in the wrong forum mate.

Right, where was I, ahh, the cock and bull pie didn't turn out so good. Something turned up that spoiled it. :rolleyes:
Yeah brendy, You lie flat on the bed and place the pillow over ya head, for a great sleep get the mrs to hold it on till you drop off! :D

Anyone like orange KitKats?
Mars dark now there was a limited edition right there!

I quite like the cappucino ones!

Hey did you guys read its colder than siberia in GB today?