is this normal?


May 12, 2021
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Im pretty much a solo player, i dont know anyone who plays, so usually book a round at one of the quieter times. So im not waiting behind a group or holding anyone up as i hack my way round trying to beat 100. I'd booked a round yesterday at my club for tomorrow morning, as there was nothing 20 minutes before or after the time i'd booked.

I went online today to see if anything on the par 3 for later this afternoon, and My solo booking was now a 4some, none of which i know. If a club is merging a solo with what i presume is a 3... should they not at least email? I dont have loads of confidence, and to be stuck in with 3 seems a little presumptuous. These could be scratch players for all I know. Im sure they dont want a high handicapper taking 7s and 8s regularly.

I also get that the course is looking to maximise revenue, its a business after all. but a simple mail would have helped.

Or is it normal practice?


Tour Winner
Dec 2, 2011
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I'd have thought an email would have been the polite way forward, but I'm old fashioned.
I'd certainly feel a bit miffed in your position.


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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It's probably not the Club that's done anything untoward, most booking on line systems would allow players to book into empty slots and maybe the players thought you might be looking for people to join you

I'd say, play with them. It'd be a good introduction to some members and if you explain that you will shoot around 100 I'd guess they will realise that they played like that once, and possibly still do

Join them and enjoy it I'd say (if not, come in after 9)


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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It depends on the clubs booking system. Some clubs this is not usual for this to happen.

Tbh golf for me anyway is far better played with company and a friendly 4 ball is one of the best bits of the game. Give it a go you might meet some like minded guys and get invited to play with them on a reg basis.


sweaty sock

Mar 2, 2013
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Honestly, i know how you feel. But I think you should go with it - there are as massive positives.

1. Nobody is going to hold your ability against you. Golf is hard with a learning curve like an ice wall. Everybody has to get through the hard work to improve if they want to. Everyone who plays knows this.
2. Its a great chance to meet some new friends. After the first hole your nerves should be settled.
3. If it is a bunch of scratch players then thats probably the best case! Theyve had to gring their a**** off to get there and will be particularly supportive of your current struggles. Also they like to show off so youll have a bit of a display to watch!
4. Youll come away feeling better about your golf. The vast vast majority of regular golfers are not as good as you think.


Assistant Pro
Feb 25, 2014
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we have a 'rule' that if you want to book on someone else's booking (single or 2 ball) you should contact them to see if it is ok. Likewise, if you are a single, you should expect others to join you - subject to asking first

Shooter McPowick

Head Pro
Apr 2, 2016
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An email notification would be nice but I honestly wouldn’t worry about them. They joined your teatime, it was their choice.

In my experience most members of all ability are just happy to be out playing golf and won’t be worried about how good or bad each other are.

With the limited daylight hours in winter our booking system would allow people to join you so that it insures as many of the members get a round of golf as possible. Our booking system will automatically email to let us know that somebody has joined your tee time. You can look them up on the app to see what handicap they are.


Apr 1, 2010
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Agree with the above - enjoy being part of the group. Chances are they are no better than you are, and if they are, they won't mind.

I still sometimes worry about my ability when partnering others but always take a moment to remember that nobody else cares about your score - they are too pre-occupied with their own score to be thinking about yours.


Journeyman Pro
Mar 25, 2011
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Appreciate that you are concerned but what I reckon has happened / will happen is this.

1. 3 guys fancy a game, look and see not much around their preferred time. Jump on your tee time because they don’t want to go in front of you, and might seem rude to rock up behind without asking if you fancied joining them.

2. you’ll meet them and say you hope they won’t regret jumping on! Because you’re not the lowest scorer and that’s why you play alone mostly.

3. They’ll say they’re not exactly pros either. Mid handicaps, if one has a bad hole they’ll be no worse than you.

4. Worst case scenario you get a few holes in, you’re not enjoying their company or playing and say do you mind if I just nip off on my own, I booked solo because I have to be back home by X and at this pace I won’t make it but thanks for the game.

No one will be offended. But who knows, you might actually really enjoy it ??


Princess Pouty (Queen of Fish Lips)
Aug 22, 2010
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Our club simply has a statement that says singles or pairs may get paired up at busy times when booking online. No email sent to anyone.
They don't always do it though.
At present, with the demand for tee times still high, I can't see many clubs not wanting to join people up.


Money List Winner
Apr 28, 2013
Gateshead, Tyne & Wear
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Imagine if the other three are also trying to break 100 for the first time.
If you're playing with better players, watch and learn from them, should be a win win either way as long as you're not grouped with the club dockhead lol.


Active member
Jul 21, 2021
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Similar position as you (like to get out early as I'm rubbish, can nip round quickly and get back to my young family, etc). If someone does book the same tee-time as me, our system emails me to say 'you have been joined by Bob/Sarah/whoever'. Generally I then move my tee time if there's availability, or make sure I rock up early and can tee off before anyone else arrives.

The times I have played with others I've really enjoyed it once I've gotten over the panic of playing with others and duffing my first tee shot 20 yards, it's more the time thing for me as on my own I can get round in 3hrs vs a 4-ball being 60-90mins longer


Head Pro
Jan 22, 2013
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There's times I actually like to play on my own - less so now, but certainly when I was starting out and even still sometimes whilst improving.

The difficulty is of course when the course is busy and singles don't really maximize revenue. I have been joined and have done some of the suggestions above - stated I'm out to practice so will sometimes hit a second ball or won't putt out or sometimes pick up and drop elsewhere, asked if they minded if I nipped on, or indeed just played with them - in this scenario I quickly found once the nerves left I actually focused and played a bit better and most people are decent and encouraging (in actual fact I find most golfers want to talk about their game and aren't that interested in mine!). Be aware though, the odd one will want to coach you and advise on your swing!

Re: your specific situation, our booking system allows spaces to be booked by members with no notification although I notice a lot of people put themselves down and fill in the other 3 with 'guest with member'! Don't over think it, turn up, see what it feels like and if you're not getting what you wanted out of it just say you hope they don't mind but you're going to push on and you won't hold them up.


Assistant Pro
Aug 7, 2012
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It would be normal with us. We use BRS and probably about half of bookings are 3 or 4 balls who have arranged to play together. The other have single who put their names down as you did and others then add themselves to that slot.
It works well as far as I can see and suits both groups who want to arrange to play together, and those who dont mind who they play with, or just want a particular time, and so make up groups that way. It's a bit more planned and better than a roll up I think


Journeyman Pro
May 18, 2009
Monmouthshire, UK via Guildford!
If I was adding my name to someone else's booking, I'd message them out of curtesy... but equally, many folk will not and assume they are helping you out by you not having to play on your own.

Don't worry about how well you play... in golf there is always someone better, and there is always someone worse.

I hope you enjoy playing with them... give it a chance!

Deleted member 29109

It’s normal at my place too. At busy times people can’t expect to keep a 4ball slot to themselves. I would expect someone to join the slot.

Later in the day you tend to get left as a single or pair.


Journeyman Pro
May 14, 2014
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Personally, I don’t see the club have done anything wrong And don’t see a problem with them putting others with your single player tee slot.