Is there a scratch player in you ??


Money List Winner
Nov 30, 2010
St. Andish
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I've shot level par but will never ever be a scratch golfer. I have neither the natural talent, nor the practise time. Still enjoy trying though.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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I did wonder....but playing to scratch and being a scratch player are 2 different things. I’m (currently) a 5 handicapper who can break scratch but I’m not a scratch player, would be my interpretation.
This is me as well .
You need consistency to be scratch and I have not had that level.
Did get to 1.4 a long time ago but it’s hard to do and earn a living as well.
Answer is it’s possible but unlikely.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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Some very honest apraisials here , but I think we know how hard the game is so very realistic.
TBH Rory is playing like a scratch player as most of them would struggle playing pro golf where you need to be + 5/6.
I played with a lad off +4 once and he was awesome and a totally different player to the scratch lads I know.

But we can dream.


Q-School Graduate
Oct 7, 2014
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Scratch was my (hopeful) aim when I came back to golf after 10 years away having left as a junior. This seemed like a possibility and I have dropped myself down from 13 to 5 in 4 or 5 years. It's still my target along with winning a club championship and competing for the club team.

Reality of this though is that I now need to make big changes to allow me to improve from where I am. My game is good enough- big straight drives, nice crisp iron play, good around the greens and my putting has come on tremendously. Problem is that these things don't happen all at the same time.

I believe I have the ability and skill to be scratch. It's mentality that needs work. The difference between me and a scratch player in my opinion is when I play badly I am shooting in the 80s. These guys can play badly and knock it round near level par. You need to keep yourself on a constant level to be that good.


Head Pro
Jun 27, 2017
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Pleased to say that yeah, i know there is. But being a Dad to a young son means i don't have the time to dedicate to the game to be able to get down that low, hence why i'm stuck on a 3 handicap. And i'm absolutely fine with that.


Club Champion
Apr 12, 2018
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"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.”
Henry Ford

Belief is absolutely key and what we do is make a very effective job of convincing ourselves of all the reasons why we can't so we don't.

There is always a way but are you prepared to pay the price to find it?

For example am I prepared to give up my house/kids/wife/money/lifestyle/have I saved up enough to devote all my time to golf/do I do enough gym, yoga or fitness to improve/am I prepared to fight tooth and nail to overcome any physical imperfection to reach my goal (para Olympics anyone)/Age is not an excuse it would make things harder yes you would just have to be prepared to do more of the above. If Player/Nicklaus et al can still do there must be a way.

The truthful answer is no I was not prepared to give that up. I could BUT I chose not to and I can give you a gazillion justifications as to why I chose not to and who is anyone to say whether they are right or wrong but in the end it all came down to the fact that I chose not to.

Deleted member 1147

This came up recently in discussion at my place.
I am a very frustrated golfer, I play off 4, but I believe I should be somewhere around 2 or 3. I just struggle to put a round together.
One of my playing partners (formally off scratch & over 100 county caps) said that I am more like a scratch golfer who has a couple of swing issues which prevent scoring better.

So I went to the Pete Cowan academy (on my PPs advice) for one of Pete's people to have a look at my swing on trackman & video.
He said he could see why I was frustrated, as I swing it really well (except for a small roll of the wrists at impact which lead to a pull), and so he believed with swing alone I hit it like a scratch golfer.

The problem is I keep chucking in the odd really daft shot which is why I'm not a scratch golfer. Yet!


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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This came up recently in discussion at my place.
I am a very frustrated golfer, I play off 4, but I believe I should be somewhere around 2 or 3. I just struggle to put a round together.
One of my playing partners (formally off scratch & over 100 county caps) said that I am more like a scratch golfer who has a couple of swing issues which prevent scoring better.

So I went to the Pete Cowan academy (on my PPs advice) for one of Pete's people to have a look at my swing on trackman & video.
He said he could see why I was frustrated, as I swing it really well (except for a small roll of the wrists at impact which lead to a pull), and so he believed with swing alone I hit it like a scratch golfer.

The problem is I keep chucking in the odd really daft shot which is why I'm not a scratch golfer. Yet!

And there's the rub. You have only quite minor swing faults - insignificant for the vast majority of us - and yet it is these that are stopping you in dead your tracks from getting to scratch.

I think I'll revise my thinking - so NO - unless something truly miraculous happens - which of course is possible - however...


Journeyman Pro
Aug 29, 2010
Scottish Borders
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I'd like to think there is one in there somewhere, just haven't realized how to release them yet. I can play decent golf and have reduced a lot of my issues, just can't see to get over the big number at the moment. I always have to throw one or two triples in a round that just derails my round. Single figures seems like a lifetime away never mind scratch at the moment.


Money List Winner
Sep 18, 2010
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Frankly no and it doesn’t bother me one bit.

I don’t have the desire or ability to get that low and maintain it. I would rather spread my time across many things in life than focus on one thing to that extreme.

A constant battle to better myself, even if it’s in little increments, is more than enoigj for more. It matches my commitment and desire levels.


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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There's one in me.
I know there is because every once in a while he pops his head into mine and, for a hole or two, I can make the game look easy.
Then he buggers off and leaves me to pick up the pieces again.
Safe to say I'll never play off scratch but shots that make you feel like one keep you coming back.


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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Oh yeah, I forgot to mention I am mentally weak too. Even if I had the game of a scratch golfer, I would still be a mess of self doubt. I can execute all the shots, but not if I am playing well?


Nov 3, 2017
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There's one in me.
I know there is because every once in a while he pops his head into mine and, for a hole or two, I can make the game look easy.

You see this how I interpreted what was said, not just the odd shot but even a few holes on the trot and like you, it just goes.


Head Pro
Jun 22, 2015
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No because I have no natural talent, and I keep getting a can of strongbow fruits from the drinks cart.
I have lessons and lessons and lessons and then I drink!