Major Champion
...as said earlier. Virtue Signalling nonsense..... bad behaviour is bad behaviour and it needs dealing with.
You cant hold everyone present responsible unless it said on the invite "Please come to our, Grope a waitress evening!"
As I have said - I do not have a settled opinion on this - specifically on whether it is right for Lord Mendlesohn to have been sacked/asked to stand down by Corbyn - simply for 'being there' and/or not leaving immediately.
But I still am not clear on the rationale that says men-only events (and I am not talking about a group of mates getting together) are acceptable - and I am not clear if the only reason for having them is that ot lets blokes speak about women in whatever way they wish without fear of retribution or rebuke.
I admit to playing Devil's Advocate here to find out what folk think...
(though in truth I'm probably the opposite to the Devil's Advocate as the Devil's Advocate would try and justify bad behaviour )