Journeyman Pro
They have bought houses that need a lot of refurbishment as that’s all they can afford.Yet can they afford to live in said houses or are they renting?
Always a very poor arguement for me from those who look down on this generation about the cars and phones , holidays etc when renting. But the bank's don't deem people being able to afford a house even though can afford a mortgage . Yes people can go without for say 5 years to scrimp to save a deposit to buy a house ... But for some what kind of life is that?? To scrimp to pay the man to own a house that when you die is when you see the benefit from.. the system is broken and prices are out of control. Its nothing to do with the fact they have phones holidays and cars that the price is out of control .. people are free to enjoy their money how they see fit
The car and Phone thing is like golf clubs you can do it cheaply but when did you see a young person without the latest phone imo never .
Not looking down on anybody just pointing out we didn’t have these expensive items.
As I said things have changed a lot
when I got a house everything was second hand from family members .
nothing on credit and a bicycle to work.
sounds like a Hovis ad but that was only late 70s.
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