Iron Play


Tour Rookie
Apr 25, 2016
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So to recap.........
You have an open stance,
You swing out to in
Your arms don't release
You hit it fat and out of the toe
Your normal shot tends to be a high/medium-high draw

Confused :confused:

As you didn't reply to my question and given the above info I can only suggest.....

You need a lesson

Hi Bob,

I do apologise I didn't see the question.

Going to get my PP to video my swing tonight.

My swing is probably all over the place so yeah a lesson is most likely needed!


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Hi Coach,
My normal shot tends to be a high/medium-high draw when struck properly and swung properly.

I really think that the out to in swing could be the issue. I have a tendency to play with an open stance so not sure if this could be the issue?

I also think that when swinging I don't let my arms release or 'push out' enough through the ball thus cause the club to 'extend' out, I think maybe this coupled with the out to in swing could be the issue.

mornin from nyc

if for sure your normal shot pattern is a draw - ie. ball starting to the right of target and curving back - then it's unlikely you've changed swing path to out to in

but if the 'draw' shape is ball starting direction a tad left of the target line and curving further leftfield so more a small pull hook swing path could be out to in

would get a checkover from PGA Pro as it's more common for folks to stay pretty true to normal swing path tendencies & yours sounds like it's little ways in to out

so would likely think the solution would likely be around set-up, alignments, and ball position how the weight moves (which grip could play into from the get-go)

what's currently goin down could be coupled with maybes a sway off the ball (with a backswing that's a ways too long?) then a little ways to big a lateral slide to target in the downswing and a loss of posture so more of a stand-up and upper body lean back into the strike

but a ways impossible to tell for sure not knowing exactly what's going down

but the drills if you can get them down would help to promote a better strike with the smaller motion and if that can be got down good and consistent strike through the smaller motion - it's just a fraction of a bigger turn to get to a full just below parallel top of the swing position
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Tour Rookie
Apr 25, 2016
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mornin from nyc

if for sure your normal shot pattern is a draw - ie. ball starting to the right of target and curving back - then it's unlikely you've changed swing path to out to in

but if the 'draw' shape is ball starting direction a tad left of the target line and curving further leftfield so more a small pull hook swing path could be out to in

would get a checkover from PGA Pro as it's more common for folks to stay pretty true to normal swing path tendencies & yours sounds like it's little ways in to out

so would likely think the solution would likely be around set-up, alignments, and ball position how the weight moves (which grip could play into from the get-go)

what's currently goin down could be coupled with maybes a sway off the ball (with a backswing that's a ways too long?) then a little ways to big a lateral slide to target in the downswing and a loss of posture so more of a stand-up and upper body lean back into the strike

but a ways impossible to tell for sure not knowing exactly what's going down

but the drills if you can get them down would help to promote a better strike with the smaller motion and if that can be got down good and consistent strike through the smaller motion - it's just a fraction of a bigger turn to get to a full just below parallel top of the swing position

Hi Coach,

Thanks for the response once again - hope all is well in USA, looking forward to going the other side of the pond next month!

I think my problems may lie in my stance, set-up and ball position.
Will report back after my 9 tonight and let you know how I go on.



Tour Rookie
Apr 25, 2016
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Thanks again to everyone for their hints and tips.

Went down for 9 holes last night and told myself to sort my iron play out. :D

Really went back to basics and made sure I was in the right place.
Started my aligning properly and more accurately and making sure I was square to target, made sure ball was in the correct position and put a smoother swing on the club.

Started to strike the ball much better and didn't chunk any last night, hit 2 peaches on two of the par 3's on the front, both within about 12 feet and then the 9th I missed the green by a yard but pin eye.

It's really helped me by doing the above and i'm going again tonight before comp tomorrow so fingers crossed it'll continue.