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I think Scotland will......

  • Vote to stay in the UK

    Votes: 43 47.3%
  • Vote to leave the UK

    Votes: 39 42.9%
  • Don't know

    Votes: 9 9.9%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2007
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What's the Scottish Contingent's view on Ruth Davidson? Saw her on Sky News just now and seemed to have it summed up nicely... or do all Scots hate Tories for , eh, being Tory? :D

Ruth Davidson has far more presence than Kezia Dugdale. Definitely a better Leader of the Opposition than we've had for a while.

As for all Scots hating the Tories, that's like saying all English love the Tories ;-)


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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What's the Scottish Contingent's view on Ruth Davidson? Saw her on Sky News just now and seemed to have it summed up nicely... or do all Scots hate Tories for , eh, being Tory? :D

I rather like wee Ruthie - she's no eejit - unlike her colleague David Mundell.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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I'd like to think that will be the case, but, I somehow don't think any compromise will go far enough to satisfy the SNP. It's going to be interesting to see how their conference pans out now ..... what have they got to talk about ?

What compromise can Westminster now offer - given Team Brexit seem wedded to leaving the Single Market as a sop to the immigration brigade.


I rather like wee Ruthie - she's no eejit - unlike her colleague David Mundell.

Me too, she was flying high but the EU ref loss and Brexit on the back of the 2014 Indyref better together promise that staying in the UK was the only way for Scotland to stay in EU has given all her opponents rope to hang her with and really blunted her teeth. She made a bad call there which has weakened her imo.

For whomever was asking Tories got close to 15% of vote in last general election so not everyone hates the Tories up here! There was a lot of tactical voting to try and defeat SNP in many seats (which failed) so perhaps the Tory vote is actually a bit higher. They got 22% in the last Holyrood election with a PR system so that 22% is likely more representative.

What currency, what debt share, oil, EU, etc etc etc all over again........ sigh!

If May doesn't allow it then where that leaves us is where we are now - Unionists(UK) will rejoice, Nats will cry foul. If it's democratic and has a mandate through a majority of MSPs backing it then it should go ahead imo. May saying no is perhaps dangerous - it's a Union, not a master and servant arrangement.........though perceptions of this relationship vary wildly.:mad:

4 or 5 years between indy refs, should it proceed, will have moved the vote demographic a little towards yes I think. Could be very tight.

Doon frae Troon

Ryder Cup Winner
Mar 5, 2012
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Even funnier would be if Scotland voted for independence in late 2018 and it then became clear that the EU were willing to negotiate a better deal for the UK to remain in the EU including the right to veto any new members joining. A second referendum was held early in 2019 and the UK voted to remain in the EU under these better terms and then vetoed Scotland's membership application.

Or........... if we are in the land of make believe and unicorns ......even funnier than funnier.........Scotland accepted into EU and block rUK's trade deals.


Tour Rookie
Aug 28, 2013
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The timing of Sturgeon's announcement was clearly chosen only to pre-empt the possibility that the PM might say something about Article 50.

I hope the Scots care enough about their future to see the total illogicality of a nation of 5mill with dubious economic prospects trying to get the attention of the 27 rEU countries when they have considerably more serious domestic troubles.

There is also the real possibility that the EU may yet sub-divide into a 'core' contributors and the 'rest'.

Sturgeon needs to take a deep breath and a serious major review and risk assessment of the developing politico/economic landscape in the EU- an independent Scotland could be a very bleak and isolated place.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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The timing of Sturgeon's announcement was clearly chosen only to pre-empt the possibility that the PM might say something about Article 50.

I hope the Scots care enough about their future to see the total illogicality of a nation of 5mill with dubious economic prospects trying to get the attention of the 27 rEU countries when they have considerably more serious domestic troubles.

There is also the real possibility that the EU may yet sub-divide into a 'core' contributors and the 'rest'.

Sturgeon needs to take a deep breath and a serious major review and risk assessment of the developing politico/economic landscape in the EU- an independent Scotland could be a very bleak and isolated place.

Maybe not so bad though as the EU tries to give the poorer and struggling countries in the EU a good 'leg-up' so that over time they become economically more productive and stable.

Not sure why Scotland would be a more bleak and isolated place than a post-Brexit UK struggling to forge relationships with countries around the world whilst at the same time having to put severe limits on immigration.