I think my Guinea Pig is on his way to the great Guinea Pig farm in the sky


Journeyman Pro
Jul 30, 2012
Sandhurst, Berks
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My wife and I adopted a Guinea Pig a year and a half ago. He was at that point 9 months old and was the "runt of the litter" according to the Pet Shop, who said he was returned after a family who bought 3 or 4 as he was anti-social and would fight a lot.

We took him back to our flat and was told that he was very happy to be a lone Guinea Pig. He is very happy, squeaky and generally a lovely pet.

Last Thursday he stopped poking his head out the cage as much and running around like he does. By Sunday we hadn't seen him for 24 hours, even though we'd tried to coax him out of his little house with food and treats. Took him to the vet and it seems that he has some sort of digestive issue... he hadn't pooped for well over 24 hours. Of course, this is fatal for Guinea Pigs.

We were given dietary medicine for him to give him all day Sunday. We've fed it to him but this morning he's still tucked away in his house not moving. Just lying there. He normally gives us the run around if we want to pick him up, but he's letting us pick him, although he is making some very distressed noises when we do.

Poor sod. It's my first real pet as my Mum is allergic to animals, so it's not until I bought my place with the Mrs that I'd had the chance to have one.

We left him alone to go to work today and have a bad feeling he'll be gone by the time we get home. Vet sort of indicated that if the meds we were given (at bloody £45 for the visit and meds too BTW!) didn't sort him out there wouldn't be much more we could do.

I type in anticipation to get home and see if he made it through the day. Hoping for the best, preparing for the worst!

Deleted member 18121

Sad news dude, pets to me have always been like family (we've had a lot of dogs) and it never gets any easier to say goodbye. You just gotta make sure he doesn't suffer.


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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Oh that's sad. Hopefully he'll have picked up through the day and your worst fears won't be realised.


Please don’t ask to see my tatts 👍
Dec 12, 2013
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Omg ave bin there WI scrappy an ploppy. Not good. Am now avin flashbacks. Not good.