I had this problem last year...

Thats fair enough, but does present the question of why you are using fairway mats when buggies are allowed on the course?
Surely if it's dry enough for vehicles, then it's dry enough to play from preferred lies?
mats is nothing to do with if its wet or dry, its minimising the damage from divots on the fairways in the colder months when there is little or no growth.

i play at a links course that drains well, we never have a buggy or Trolley ban yet we use mats over the winter for the reason i gave above
I know the guys that came up with the Spurk golf mat!
They started trying to just make a mat for themselves to use at our club because they hated them floppy rubber things and then took it further and actually making a good product, since then they've been selling like crazy!
I actually bought the first one from there web site been using it for the last two winter seasons.

I'm glad to see them get mention here and just felt I had to also make a comment.
Yes the Spurk is the top mat IMO.... & I've tried them all.
mats is nothing to do with if its wet or dry, its minimising the damage from divots on the fairways in the colder months when there is little or no growth.

i play at a links course that drains well, we never have a buggy or Trolley ban yet we use mats over the winter for the reason i gave above

If you're good enough to take a divot, you're good enough to not take a divot. ;)
nothing to do with it, but i think the op is off 1 or 2.... but immaterial really. most places its not optional. mats full stop

Yeah I get that. His post is about a fairway mat that's been destroyed by a swing that would normally take a divot.

It's winter golf, not The Masters.
Play to the conditions.
I suppose one way around it would be to mark a buffer at the side where the ball can be played from then shift it every month.
easier solution..... mats play where you like, no grey area. ND had a line where you could take it, people take the piss though... with mats ther should be no divots unless in the deep rough.
Yeah I get that. His post is about a fairway mat that's been destroyed by a swing that would normally take a divot.

It's winter golf, not The Masters.
Play to the conditions.
you Obv don't, you had a dig at the guy for using his elec trolley, they for using a mat, after it was explained...but keep digging.

if its mats, there is no option, if the club says use a mat you use a mat not sure what you don't get?

are you saying ignore club rules and play off the faiway regardless?
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Thats fair enough, but does present the question of why you are using fairway mats when buggies are allowed on the course?
Surely if it's dry enough for vehicles, then it's dry enough to play from preferred lies?

Simply because at this time of year there is no growth. It's not rocket science..

Protect the fairways while there is no growth. Means that your not starting the season on the back foot and wanting growth to repair the fairways from a winter of golfers taking chunks.
you Obv don't, you had a dig at the guy for using his elec trolley, they for using a mat, after it was explained...but keep digging.

if its mats, there is no option, if the club says use a mat you use a mat not sure what you don't get?

are you saying ignore club rules and play off the faiway regardless?

I'm not having a dig. The OP has come on with a picture of a wrecked mat, saying it's the first time he's played in 2 or 3 months, and that he's done with golf until possibly April.

I'm just pointing out that if you want to play in winter, you have to adjust to the conditions.

If the club say play off a matt, then of course you play off a matt, but if you hit down on the ball so hard you'd normally take a 2ft divot, then the matt might suffer.