How to tackle irregular golf?


Money List Winner
Jan 30, 2012
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When i say irregular golf, i mean not playing very often.

So as most of you know, i play no where near as much as i would like, i probably get to play 18 holes twice a month at best currently!

This is not good for playing well, or scoring well!

Should i approach my game differently? am i without thinking about it, taking on too difficult a shot for someone that is not playing consistently enough?

I have already slowed everything down, playing with a lot more control, but just not scoring well at all. Last two rounds have been low to mid twenties!

There is not one area in particular that suffers, driving is OK (will still stick the odd one OOB) iron play is OK, (still stick the odd one wide or fat or a duff) chipping, pitching and the short stuff is actually quite good and i am happy with that, and my putting is i think, for my level very good! So i think getting the ball close or on the green is my problem.

Perfect example is our 3rd, stuck the first drive OOB right trying to rip it, new ball straight down the middle, 5 iron from 180 yards to within 12ft and nailed the putt for a bogey!

I think in writing this out i have answered a lot of my issues, keep the driver back for when its wide open, get the ball in play, even if its only 180-220 yards, just aim for the middle of the green and focus on every shot..

Anyone else have any ideas for me? when i play well, i strike the ball very well, when its bad, its very bad!

Got a 9 hole playing lesson tomorrow, my clubs pro is taking me out to work on a plan of keeping the ball in play, not going for hero shots (not even hero shots, but ones an irregular player prob shouldnt take) and see where that goes!


Mini Cam
Feb 10, 2012
Southampton, Hampshire
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Think you've answered most of your question. I've turned over a spell of not scoring well. All I'm doing is what you've said.

Find the fairway, hit the middle of the green. Then if your putting is reasonable your score. But I think you shouldn't put this into play until the end of the season :p

London mike 61

Challenge Tour Pro
Nov 18, 2013
Chigwell, Essex
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If you find it hard to play 18 holes on a regular basis , why not find a 9 hole course near you that you can play more often and will only take a couple hours to play instead of four. At least that way you will get out more, and you might actually get to play 9 twice a week and use the 9 holes as practice rounds.


Nov 16, 2011
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Scoring is only a small part of what a round of golf is about - at least for amateurs!

Enjoy the rest of what attracted you to play golf - scenery, company, gentle exercise - and don't let bad shots get to you for more than a second! Remember the good/great ones!


Head Pro
Sep 28, 2012
huntingdon cambs
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Yes think you want to keep the ball in play. I would also just look at enjoying yourself. try not too focus on bad shots. I play every week but am still scoring high but can see my game improving, but I find I do better taking heart and getting confidence and being positive on all the good shots and not focusing on the bad shots.


Tour Winner
Apr 24, 2010
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Blimey, twice a month, you must be a golf addict ....;)

Last 2 years for me it's been closer to twice every 6 months!

Not caring what you score helps, being pleased when you do is even better


Journeyman Pro
Mar 22, 2012
The wettest village in Scotland
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I'm in exactly your position, Rooter. I play 9 or 10 holes every 10 days or so, in the evenings once the kids are in bed. Haven't played 18 in a couple of months and haven't played a comp since April.

I think it's pretty much a mindset thing. When I go out now, I just concentrate on trying to hit shots as well as I can but I don't get annoyed at the bad ones - they're going to happen. When I play in my next comp, my plan is to play as I normally would. I'm not changing my approach because I'm not playing often enough even to have a 'safe' shot. I'm just going to play my game and accept the outcome.

The sun's still shining, the birds are still singing and I'll still hit some good shots. There'll just be a few more bad ones than usual. And playing ropey golf is better than playing no golf at all. Whatever the outcome, there are more reasons to enjoy it than not.


Please don’t ask to see my tatts 👍
Dec 12, 2013
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By Eck this topic could of been written by me. One thing I have not read is what handicap you are playing off. Which may answer part of your question/problem. Me 23.5. Having said that when I'm in the grove it's nearer 15 and when I'm off, 28 is no where near enough, last couple of times I've played I have played to handicap which I should be pleased about, but I have come away gutted as lost balls and missed/pulled 3ft putts have cost me shooting an excellent score. That aside the last time I played I was striking the ball gorgeous which made playing a lot more enjoyable.


Money List Winner
Dec 3, 2010
Stevenage, Herts
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the simple answer.... play more golf :)

I dont see the point of a 9 hole playing lesson if your not playing enough tbh Scott. I went back to basics, tweaked my grip slightly and trying to visualise each shot. Its a bit mechanical tbh but its deffo working.

golf will always be erratic when not playing enough. Get the Missus and kids on ebay, buy a new set of clubs and play 7 days a week = sorted :thup: