How often do you 3 putt?

Rare that I ever have a round without a three-putt. Usually between 1 and 3 per round, could be 4 on a bad day. But at my course almost every green is on a massive slope so it's all too easily done. If I only have one three-putt in my round I'm happy.
Also are you counting putts from just off the green or not

A putt is a stroke made on the putting green.
A putter is just a name for a club with very little loft intended for use on the putting green, but it can also be used elsewhere.
In the same way any club can be used to make a stroke on the putting green, for me this would be a putt.
I class a shot made with a putter from off the green as a chip with a putter.
I 5 putted after leaving my drive 30ish yards from the hole on a par 4 at Muirfield this year. That was a low point. According to Arccos I have 2.3 per round on average. Though some of those will be from off the green and I’ve not updated the shot to mark as a chip, so comfortably between 1 and nearer 2 per round
More often than I'd like (same for many of us though I guess)
Probably 2-3 times on an average scoring round, definitely an area I can save shots but it'll likely come from hitting it closer to the pin on approach shots rather than lagging those long ones into a bin lid, which I'm probably a C+ on
Only once yesterday, but recently a couple per round. I only count a shot as a putt if it is on the green, not the fringe.
I keep a spreadsheet on my home course, this has helped my game massively as I've identified the holes I struggle on and I was surprised with one. I've recorded 99 holes of golf and this is my putting:

Hole out (putting off the greens also count): 2
1 putt: 16
2 putt: 65
3 putt: 16
4+ putt: 0

*EDIT* I am a 19 handicap.
A 13 HC player will average 3 x 3 putts per round. So any fewer than 3 and you are better than average.
I can only ever remember one three putt and one four putt, the rest go straight into the recycle bin.

Three putt happened on the last hole of a 36 hole big society comp when I thought that I required a birdie to get a decent placing in the prizes. Charged the first putt past and missed the return. I came second in the whole competition, having lost on count back ?

The four putt happened on the 1st at Mar Hall, a par 5. On in two and then managed a four putt bogey. In my defence the greens were hollow tined and full of sand. ?
According to Shotscope I'm averaging a 3 putt every 25.6 holes over the last 10 rounds, I think that is 7 3 putts in my last 10 rounds then. It used to be way, way worse than that last year.
My home course has pretty small greens though and they don't have massive slopes either, they are pretty subtle. I'm sure that number would be more if I played a course with large greens or large slopes.
A putt is a stroke made on the putting green.
A putter is just a name for a club with very little loft intended for use on the putting green, but it can also be used elsewhere.
In the same way any club can be used to make a stroke on the putting green, for me this would be a putt.
I class a shot made with a putter from off the green as a chip with a putter.

Must say for me a putt is a stroke made with a putter and whether I was a millimeter either side of the fringe of the green I would consider it a putt.
I guess you can putt with other clubs but the essence of the putt is that it is rolled along the ground rather than partially through the air.
If I was using a wedge on the green I would generally consider the shot a chip or a pitch though I cannot recall having recourse to do so.
It's all a matter of semantics and I guess for statistical comparison calling shots on the green putts makes sense.
But a shot played with a putter when rolled along the ground sure feels like a putt to me.
A putt is a stroke made on the putting green.
A putter is just a name for a club with very little loft intended for use on the putting green, but it can also be used elsewhere.
In the same way any club can be used to make a stroke on the putting green, for me this would be a putt.
I class a shot made with a putter from off the green as a chip with a putter.

A putt is a stroke made with the putter.

If I used a wedge to hit a shot on the green it would be a chip or a pitch because the ball would fly in the air. Unless I deliberately bladed it and was effectively using my wedge as a putter.

A chip shot flies in the air then rolls out. A shot from off the green with my putter rolls along the ground so definitely is not a chip. It’s a putt.
Must say for me a putt is a stroke made with a putter and whether I was a millimeter either side of the fringe of the green I would consider it a putt.
I guess you can putt with other clubs but the essence of the putt is that it is rolled along the ground rather than partially through the air.
If I was using a wedge on the green I would generally consider the shot a chip or a pitch though I cannot recall having recourse to do so.
It's all a matter of semantics and I guess for statistical comparison calling shots on the green putts makes sense.
But a shot played with a putter when rolled along the ground sure feels like a putt to me.

Just seen you beat me to it with your explanation!
To answer the OP…
At my home course: 2-4 times per round.
At any other course: very rarely, probably less than once a round

My course has very tricky greens. Most members at my club learn to be good putters!