Gross Prize in a Stableford Competition!


Tour Rookie
Dec 29, 2006
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We usually have a Gross Prize in Medal Comps. However last weekend there was a Gross Prize in a Stableford.

Accept the situation in Medals but unusual in Stableford. Also only around 5% have a chance of wining of which I am not included!

Does you Club have Best Gross in Stableford Comps and any thoughts?


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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There's only one scratch prize the entire year at my club, and that's at the two-day club championships. Was the same at my old club also.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Do we mean gross or scratch…in stableford scoring i can’t see how there can be a ‘gross‘ prize, but there can easy be a ‘scratch‘ prize i.e. Best stableford points with no shots received.

We have plenty of gross or scratch competitions and prizes. I’ve found myself qualified to play in one of them…in first round (round of 16) I’m playing our club champion off scratch. A challenge I shall relish.


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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We used to.

My biggest single prize pot win for was for best gross and best stableford.

I won the same competition (again best gross and best stableford) and I won less than half of the amount.

Sadly our seniors section has dropped best gross for all comps.


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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Do we mean gross or scratch…in stableford scoring i can’t see how there can be a ‘gross‘ prize, but there can easy be a ‘scratch‘ prize i.e. Best stableford points with no shots received.

Traditionally it has always been called best gross rather than best scratch in a handicap comp (stableford or otherwise).

Banchory Buddha

Well-known member
Jun 10, 2021
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By definition there shouldn't be a gross prize in stableford, I have seen it happen at an Open once, comp run by a pro who hadn't a clue what he was doing

Voyager EMH

Slipper Wearing Plucker of Pheasants
Mar 14, 2021
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I've never heard of a definition to exclude a gross prize in a stableford.
Write down your gross scores on each hole - 1 point for a bogey, 2 for a par, 3 for a birdie etc. Winner gets a prize.
Same thing for your net scores per hole.

All our stableford mens comps have a gross prize.

Some seniors comps do not have a gross prize - medals and stablefords.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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I've never heard of a definition to exclude a gross prize in a stableford.
Write down your gross scores on each hole - 1 point for a bogey, 2 for a par, 3 for a birdie etc. Winner gets a prize.
Same thing for your net scores per hole.

All our stableford mens comps have a gross prize.

Some seniors comps do not have a gross prize - medals and stablefords.
How do you have a gross acore for a hole if you pick up as not going to score any points. And if you dont have a gross score for a hole how can there be a gross score for a round, and hence a gross prize. I can see how it’s easy to have a scratch prize, but not a gross prize.

I am guessing we are into semantics here, and when talking gross what is actually meant is scratch, with the winner of the scratch prize being the player with most points off scratch - and that’s easily calculated after the round as scratch points are always going to be less than ‘handicap-based’ points.


Head Pro
Nov 2, 2009
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How do you have a gross acore for a hole if you pick up as not going to score any points. And if you dont have a gross score for a hole how can there be a gross score for a round, and hence a gross prize. I can see how it’s easy to have a scratch prize, but not a gross prize.

I am guessing we are into semantics here, and when talking gross what is actually meant is scratch, with the winner of the scratch prize being the player with most points off scratch - and that’s easily calculated after the round as scratch points are always going to be less than ‘handicap-based’ points.
Not if you play off a plus handicap.


Well-known member
Oct 5, 2018
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How do you have a gross acore for a hole if you pick up as not going to score any points. And if you dont have a gross score for a hole how can there be a gross score for a round, and hence a gross prize. I can see how it’s easy to have a scratch prize, but not a gross prize.

I am guessing we are into semantics here, and when talking gross what is actually meant is scratch, with the winner of the scratch prize being the player with most points off scratch - and that’s easily calculated after the round as scratch points are always going to be less than ‘handicap-based’ points.
The ones I've played in that have it is just lowest gross score. You pick up, you can't win the gross just like a medal.

We had a case last season where one of the low guys had a gross 70 on the computer (net double bogey kicked in) but he picked up on a hole while another lad had a 71. Initially the winnings were given to the 70 until he said he had picked up and the winnings got transferred to the 71.


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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How do you have a gross acore for a hole if you pick up as not going to score any points. And if you dont have a gross score for a hole how can there be a gross score for a round, and hence a gross prize. I can see how it’s easy to have a scratch prize, but not a gross prize.

I am guessing we are into semantics here, and when talking gross what is actually meant is scratch, with the winner of the scratch prize being the player with most points off scratch - and that’s easily calculated after the round as scratch points are always going to be less than ‘handicap-based’ points.
I don't think it's as big a deal as you're making out. Firstly, only a relatively small number of the field would be interested in the gross prize, i.e. those that have any chance of winning (low handicap players). Secondly, I assume it would be made clear before the event began that there was a gross prize, so these players would simply ensure they hole out on every hole.


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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By definition there shouldn't be a gross prize in stableford, I have seen it happen at an Open once, comp run by a pro who hadn't a clue what he was doing


Computer system record the gross score on a hole and both gross and stableford points totals.

Do you play to score a set number of points on a hole or are you trying to get the best gross you can on a hole.

If you a have a NR on hole i.e no points then you are hardly likely to win the best gross anyway.

Voyager EMH

Slipper Wearing Plucker of Pheasants
Mar 14, 2021
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How do you have a gross acore for a hole if you pick up as not going to score any points. And if you dont have a gross score for a hole how can there be a gross score for a round, and hence a gross prize. I can see how it’s easy to have a scratch prize, but not a gross prize.

I am guessing we are into semantics here, and when talking gross what is actually meant is scratch, with the winner of the scratch prize being the player with most points off scratch - and that’s easily calculated after the round as scratch points are always going to be less than ‘handicap-based’ points.
Points scored against your gross score on each hole. If you've picked up, the points = zero for that hole.

Total number of points against gross score on each hole. Therefore a "gross prize" in stableford.

That's the way I've known it to be for several decades.

Gross Prizes
Medal - prize for lowest gross score.
Stableford - prize for highest total number of points against gross score on each hole. (This can include a NR/blob/pickup on a hole same as the net prizes)