Huge Handicap Index Increase. Possible reasons?

No such thing as the continuous review report anymore, although you can run the Handicap Review report at any time, over any time period, but you only are required to do one complete review per year. As you say Peer review can be done at anytime as can individual review. However I have never heard the advice to run a monthly review.

I have not been the chair of the committee for quite a few years. I too have never heard of the advice to run a monthly review since the WHS came in.
I used to run the Continuous report when I was chairman as we had monthly meetings as part of our other duties as competitions and rules sub committees although in the main there was only an occasional need to put forward a person for full review.
However I have never heard the advice to run a monthly review.
I too have never heard of the advice to run a monthly review since the WHS came in.
Has anyone suggested such advice exists?
@LizAig wrote in #11: "There’s a review report that handicap committee are supposed to check monthly...". Checking a report is not running a review.

Most of the reports should be monitored regularly, including the review report. That monitoring may may prompt the committee to run one or more individual reviews.
Has anyone suggested such advice exists?
@LizAig wrote in #11: "There’s a review report that handicap committee are supposed to check monthly...". Checking a report is not running a review.

Most of the reports should be monitored regularly, including the review report. That monitoring may may prompt the committee to run one or more individual reviews.

My comment is a a reply to Lizaigs' post #11 and needs to read in that context and D-S's comments to me
My comment is a a reply to Lizaigs' post #11 and needs to read in that context and D-S's comments to me
Yes, I've read the entire thread and that's the post I quoted, which seems to me has been misunderstood.
There is no advice to run monthly reviews, but there is advice to check the report(s) regularly.
So my understanding is that the only plausible explanation for such an increase would be a handicap review which, funnily enough, would be administered by the player himself.

Given the other M&H committee members have no knowledge of this increase, it would appear this member must have done it by themselves. I will put a letter in for the Committee to discuss at their next meeting.
keep us posted. Would be interesting if the answer was that the player just decided to give themselves 4 shots back, and had the admin rights to do so as they are effectively the Handicap Secretary