Greg Norman, short game genius - who'd have thought it?


Q-School Graduate
Nov 2, 2007
York, England
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I was a bit bored the other night waiting for the wife to stop fannying about in the bathroom, so flicking through the sky+ saved recordings, thought 'I'll watch that' (Greg Norman Tips from the Shark) from the gold ol' Golf Channel (how we miss thee).

He was yabbering on in his outback drawl and talked about the flop shot he developed where he set up as normal but took three fingers from the left hand off the club (middle to little). Last night whilst having a practice 9, I found myself in a situation where a flop was required and thought 'let's give that a cack-handed grip a go'.


From a shot that I was very inconsistent with and had little faith in, it suddenly turned into an incredibly easy-to-hit shot. Every time I tried it, the contact and flight were perfect (alright I overhit them but come on) and now I have a shot in the bag that I'd all but given up on.

Greg Norman - who'd have thought it?
Using a 60deg wedge, no need to lay open the face, just address the ball normally with the ball a little forward in your stance and swing with steady tempo.

Normal grip but just literally lift your middle to little fingers of your left hand off the club (in other words holding the club with 5 fingers and two thumbs only). Feels a little odd at first but as soon as you swing you don't really notice it.

It seems to give you the much-famed 'soft hands' through the shot without you having to compromise normal swing mechanics. Try it on your practice area and see how you get on.
Very interesting, Toonarmy.

I had a wee practice session on the chips and pitches yesterday and remembered that a drill my pro had me doing a while ago was simply to play the ball one handed, left hand behind the back. What a revelation. I can pitch again.

Similar idea to your routine but without any left hand involvement at all. The idea is that the right elbow leads the club into the ball, letting the clubhead do the work in lifting the ball into the air. The idea is to get the right elbow past your body more quickly. I pitched in 3 times doing this/over bunkers, everything. Very excited.

Have we found "the secret", Alex? The left hand is just along for the ride in chipping and pitching. That's what my pro told me anyway. Have booked a lesson for Monday to make sure my set up is correct and gonna practice like a dervish if I'm doing it correctly at last. :D
:D :D LOL Murph.

It's precisely because I hit the clubhouse at Kilspindie a couple of weeks ago by thinning one out of a bunker that I decided the pitching and shortgame needed my attention.

Seriously, the feel you get swinging the club one-handed is amazing. You can't force the club so you end up just letting it fall onto the ball with very few muscles involved. Very precise for distance with a couple of practice swings. I usually cack my pants trying to hit over a bunker but after 10 minutes I could judge the landing spot to within a couple of feet.
I usually cack my pants trying to hit over a bunker but after 10 minutes I could judge the landing spot to within a couple of feet.

You see it's comments like this and shooting 74 round the Old Course that make it very hard for me to continue liking you John! :D
:D :D

Did I tell you I'm playing Carnoustie again a week today, Alex! I had an 87 the first time I played it last year. If I shoot a 74 next week I promise I'll give the game up and sell you the rest of my putters!