Greasy spoon cafe


Please don’t ask to see my tatts 👍
Dec 12, 2013
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A pal picked me up for the golf comp today and before we got to the course he called in at a greasy spoon transport cafe on the
A 614 near Bilsthorpe, Limes cafe it was called. He had the full English, me a cuppa. It looked gorgeous. I was expecting a dump of a place and it was rammed.
Any other decent greasy spoons out there.
One of my favourites is called the corner cafe in Woolwich. The area is pretty rough and the place doesn't look great but my god they know how to cook a fry up and their coffees are better than anything costa/Starbucks can rustle up.
Joe's Shack, Kirkby in Ashfield, full English with coffee for £5

Only food and Sauces, Codnor/Ripley Large breakfast and coffee £4.75

There's a decent roadside van on the A60 next to the Crem opposite the Esso Garage,
The Bridge Café Park Royal...
It's where the losers on the apprentice go to...
It's the pits but the tuck is spot on...

Work two mins away and we have our 'focus meetings' there....

Back in the day, the best of all time was Ted's Café in Hanwell...
Best food ever and top banter...

I love me cholesterol...
Joe's Shack, Kirkby in Ashfield, full English with coffee for £5

Only food and Sauces, Codnor/Ripley Large breakfast and coffee £4.75

There's a decent roadside van on the A60 next to the Crem opposite the Esso Garage,

Dont you be avin a full English today before your comp today. Knock it stiff mah man.
We used to have one by were I used to work, not the best , tastiest or most hygienic.

We used to say Ravo's - "a thousand flies cant be wrong", and a BLT we worked out stood for Botchelism, Listeria and Typhus.

Its a known medical fact that if you have Richmond sausages, Black Pudding and Ulster fry on a butty, you die instantly. Word.:thup:
Been to loads of greasy spoons on the way to the footie in the 80's and most were excellent. Don't go to many away games now but whenever my wife and I decide to go to Brighton for the day we usually get up early and get there before the rush hour and stop at Divalls by the station. Massive portions, perfectly made tea and an eclectic and friendly mix of customers and staff