Golfers attack dog walker

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They added a proviso in the OAC a few years ago it now says you shouldn't interfear with sport going on and golfers have right of way on courses...
While I agree re interference, I don't believe it specifically states that golfers have right of way. It does, however state that 'Members of the public can only exercise access rights to cross over a golf course and in doing so, must keep off greens at all times and not interfere with any golf games. To avoid damaging the playing surface, cyclists and horse riders need to keep to paths at all times and not go on to any other part of a golf course.'
If that's how the club has interpreted 'not interfere with any golf games', so be it. But there's certainly plenty of scope for conflict/belligerence by either group!
I'd think that's simply their reply to golfers suggesting that they use the, likely less convenient, path rather than the 'short cut' across the course. It's almost certainly what I'd do - if allowed.

No, these are people walking around ON the course. Not ACROSS it.

Edit: I see where I casually, and lazily, inferred they were walking across the course. What I meant was walking across the course as a means to describe being on and around but within the boundaries of said course.
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We have it at Dunbar where 9 holes literally border the sea, so the fairway or semi rough ends at the beach and folk either walk on the edge of the course or on the beach, at the Broxburn which is in front of the 6th green and 17th tees the land narrows down and they have to cross over a bridge and follow a path beside the 17th tees, there are numerous notices around advising them to be aware and watch out for golfers playing but they make little difference, you can be standing on the tee waiting to play and they just keep on walking regardless, tbh there's no point in getting upset about it they usually pass reasonably quickly
I don't have any input regarding this particular case, but as a general rule I find that members of the general public seem oblivious to the danger they put themselves in if they stray onto a golf course. Whenever I find someone wandering on the course, I explain to them as politely as possible that golf balls can kill, and it's probably in their best interest not to be where they are.
That is terrible.

I do not condone violence.

However what I hate is that some dog walkers seem to think that they have the right to walk their dogs anywhere they chose. We had a members vote some years ago and there was a big majority for not allowing dogs on the course. Sadly one part of the land we own is woodland adjoining the course and we often see dog walkers in it. Fine if they keep the dogs in the woods but a lot let the dogs roam and often on to the course.

We even got the police involved with one dog owner who regularly did this and would not accept the fact that it was private land and his dog would chase golfers. Finally came to a head when one member threatened to kill the dog if it came on the course again and the owner got the message and was not seen again.
I doubt that golfers would spontaneously attack an innocent dog walker minding their own business. Maybe the dog went after one of them and the walker took offence and got physical when the golfer had a swipe at the dog with a 9 iron, and the golfer defended himself?

Not justifying excess violence, but the story is unlikely to be as simple as described.

Seriously, your go to is to suggest that the golfer was provoked or dog walkers fault. Doesn't matter, the golfer is clearly not in control of their actions if they can be riled into a physical attack when supposedly enjoying a gentle hobby.

Dog walker in the way - then deep breath and make sure to play around them. Rude or ignorant when politely requesting they stay aware of surroundings then just move on. Dog attack (unlikely) but guide it away with your 9 iron or bag - don't take a swipe at it! I literally can't imagine any turn of events where I'd be entering a fight on the golf course unless I'm not in control of my own emotions.

Appreciate that sounds like I'm full of it, but I really can't see any situation where i'd put someone in hospital (other by accident) whilst playing a relaxing game.
Seriously, your go to is to suggest that the golfer was provoked or dog walkers fault. Doesn't matter, the golfer is clearly not in control of their actions if they can be riled into a physical attack when supposedly enjoying a gentle hobby.

Dog walker in the way - then deep breath and make sure to play around them. Rude or ignorant when politely requesting they stay aware of surroundings then just move on. Dog attack (unlikely) but guide it away with your 9 iron or bag - don't take a swipe at it! I literally can't imagine any turn of events where I'd be entering a fight on the golf course unless I'm not in control of my own emotions.

Appreciate that sounds like I'm full of it, but I really can't see any situation where i'd put someone in hospital (other by accident) whilst playing a relaxing game.

No, my go to is to suggest that it is not likely to be simply a bloke minding his own business walking Fido and then for no reason attacked by rabid golfers.
No, my go to is to suggest that it is not likely to be simply a bloke minding his own business walking Fido and then for no reason attacked by rabid golfers.

No one has suggested the dog walker was minding his own business and was attacked for no reason.

why do you keep saying that?
One of the reasons that I left my previous club was the dog walkers. The club was on common land and the vast majority of dog walkers were fine, and as a dog lover I had no issue with that vast majority, often sharing a friendly word and acquiring a new furry friend in the process.

However there were a minority, and one woman in particular, who took great delight in walking down the middle of the fairways or causing as much inconvenience as possible.

It will be interesting to see exactly what the circumstances around this incident were, but I can't remember ever seeing any issues between golfers and responsible dog owners whilst I was at the club.
There's obviously a lot more background to this, as we are seeing the end result and not what led up to it. However, I cannot envisage a reason why I would resort to violence to resolve such a situation, and certainly not to create significant injury.
I do sometimes wonder if these people who exert their right to roam would do the same across a football or rugby pitch whilst a game is being played.
There's obviously a lot more background to this, as we are seeing the end result and not what led up to it. However, I cannot envisage a reason why I would resort to violence to resolve such a situation, and certainly not to create significant injury.
I do sometimes wonder if these people who exert their right to roam would do the same across a football or rugby pitch whilst a game is being played.
Having played football and cricket and watched rugby at grounds in public parks or bordered by public footpaths, I can confirm that it is extremely common. Certain types just love attention.
Our course in the Hertfordshire countryside is littered with footpaths and you see dog walkers every time you play. I've never heard of anyone here having any kind of issue with them. Generally it's a friendly chat, pet the dog and wait for them to walk on to safety.
I don't have any input regarding this particular case, but as a general rule I find that members of the general public seem oblivious to the danger they put themselves in if they stray onto a golf course. Whenever I find someone wandering on the course, I explain to them as politely as possible that golf balls can kill, and it's probably in their best interest not to be where they are.
I used to play on a links course, right on the edge of a popular beach. Lots of walkers, holidaymakers etc randomly walking all over. I always took your approach, far more effective than those who went down the hostile route. It also tended to disarm the belligerent walkers who loved to lecture about 'rights'.

Most courses I've been a member of have had walkers or dog walkers on the course at some point. 99% of the time everyone coexists pretty well.
We once had a family outing on our 9th hole green side bunker at my old club.
The two kids were building sandcastles in the bunker.
They had a folding picnic table with sandwiches and drinks.
I explained how dangerous it was for the kids to be on a golf course but he looked like I was speaking another language.
Some of the general public are just stupid .
We once had a family outing on our 9th hole green side bunker at my old club.
The two kids were building sandcastles in the bunker.
They had a folding picnic table with sandwiches and drinks.
I explained how dangerous it was for the kids to be on a golf course but he looked like I was speaking another language.
Some of the general public are just stupid .

So are plenty of golfers!

Have to laugh at those desperate to side with the golfers and find and reason to blame the dog walkers, despite the dog walker being the one hospitalised
That is terrible.

I do not condone violence.

However what I hate is that some dog walkers seem to think that they have the right to walk their dogs anywhere they chose. We had a members vote some years ago and there was a big majority for not allowing dogs on the course. Sadly one part of the land we own is woodland adjoining the course and we often see dog walkers in it. Fine if they keep the dogs in the woods but a lot let the dogs roam and often on to the course.

We even got the police involved with one dog owner who regularly did this and would not accept the fact that it was private land and his dog would chase golfers. Finally came to a head when one member threatened to kill the dog if it came on the course again and the owner got the message and was not seen again.

So you condone a member of your club threating to kill a dog? Give your head a wobble!
I doubt that golfers would spontaneously attack an innocent dog walker minding their own business. Maybe the dog went after one of them and the walker took offence and got physical when the golfer had a swipe at the dog with a 9 iron, and the golfer defended himself?

Not justifying excess violence, but the story is unlikely to be as simple as described.
But, why would you make up a story? ?
Wimbledon Common GC by definition is on common land. The public have right of way and they know it so you'd often get dog walkers coming the full length of a fairway with their dogs off the lead knowing full well they are holding the golfers up almost as though they got some sort of power trip from it. There have been instances where players have hit off and the public have emerged from behind the large gorse and got angry and claimed they were being fired at. There were occasions where the odd idiot would look to get aggressive so I can see how this incident may have escalated
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