Golf with glasses for long distances


I wear glasses and becuase i move my head quite quickly only once pair stays on all the time. My blue tinted police shades with wrap round arms.
So even when its raining (which is the worst) or if there is snow on the ground or its dark people think - look at that muppet with shades on.
I have to wear them or i can't see the ball.

I tried contacts but could not get the damn things out.

I am now seriously considering laser eye surgery but just cant stand the idea of the smell of bacon cooking as they zap your eye balls !!!!!!!!!!

But if its good enough for the pros why not ?



Head Pro
May 26, 2009
Essex UK
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Like you - short sighted.

Use contacts when playing - helps with the golf - no probs when putting

Just can't read the yardages on the course guide as my arms are no longer long enough with the lenses in - fortunately Freecaddie on my smartphone has nice big friendly numbers.


Money List Winner
Dec 3, 2010
Stevenage, Herts
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I am +5.25 left and +5.75 right with a stigmatism.... laser surgery is out and the only option is corneal implants at 2k per eye.... f that!!! :D

I am going to try wearing my glasses for rounds as I have no issues on the range or on the field practising but if no joy then I will wear daily disposables although its hit and miss whether I get them in every time

if you suffer in the rain just get the ones with the little windscreen wipers on them ;)


Grand Slam Winner
Oct 17, 2008
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I too wear glasses when I play. I went for contact lens fitting a year or two ago, they seemed brilliant in the shop and they gave me a couple of pkts of trial ones but try as I might, I couldn't get the bloody things in!
I wear varifocals for daily use, but find them absolutely crap for golf so have a pair of single vision ones that I normally keep permanently in the bag.
Last time out I couldn't find them (had taken them out of the bag to give them a proper clean and forgotten to put them back in) so had to wear my vari's. It was bloody awful. Couldn't see the ball properly, (had an air shot on the first hole!), and putting was an absolute joke. Completely ruined the day for me.
In decent weather conditions though, wearing glasses is not too much of a problem. Just make sure they're the right ones!!



Head Pro
Apr 1, 2010
Guildford, Surrey
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Totally agree with the earlier comments re laser surgery. I was short-sighted and had astigmatism in both eyes, now my eyesight is perfect. It was not fun but I would not hessitate to have it done again. Worth every penny; changed my life.


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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Don't fancy laser surgery at all. I wear a contact lense in my left eye. I can't wear glasses at all as my eyes are too different. -5 in one eye, -0.25 in the other. Never had any issues with contacts drying out on the course.


Challenge Tour Pro
May 8, 2008
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On the topic of laser surgery, did everyone really find it that bad\painful?

I thought it was fine, and I was absolutely fine as soon as it finished, where as there was another guy there at the same time as me who was really struggling just after the surgery and needed painkillers. I thought it was just him making a meal of things, but perhaps not.

Am I the exception here, or did anyone else find it was really quick, painless and straight afterwards they were fine?

I will add it possibly depends on prescription, I was just very mildly short sighted, if you have a stronger prescription and perhaps astigmatism, obviously you will need more time under the laser, and so might explain this.


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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On the topic of laser surgery, did everyone really find it that bad\painful?

I thought it was fine, and I was absolutely fine as soon as it finished, where as there was another guy there at the same time as me who was really struggling just after the surgery and needed painkillers. I thought it was just him making a meal of things, but perhaps not.

Am I the exception here, or did anyone else find it was really quick, painless and straight afterwards they were fine?

I will add it possibly depends on prescription, I was just very mildly short sighted, if you have a stronger prescription and perhaps astigmatism, obviously you will need more time under the laser, and so might explain this.

I had a prescription of about -3 with an astigmatism. I didnt find it any worse than I expected and within a few hours my vision was 20/20 and I could have driven without glasses for the first time in 30 years. By the next day I could read the lowest letters on the eye chart. When the eyes settles down the left one was slightly wrong and I went back for a small "blitz" it was perfect and I am still as happy as the day I had it done. No more specs on the course, standard sunglasses and I can read outdoors well enough not to need glasses - result!


Tour Winner
Jun 3, 2009
North Kent
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Contact lenses for me. I'm too vain to wear glasses! :(

I'm short sighted (-1.75 and -2.25) and I love my contact lenses. I wear them far too much and for too long but I hate glasses and I'm too scared of laser surgery! :rolleyes:

I've never had a contact lens dry out on me and they are very comfortable.

With regards getting used to them, the first time I used them properly was on a skiing holiday to Italy. It must have taken me about an hour to get the damn things in! Eyes watering, temper rising but after that my eyes got used to having them in and I've not looked back since.


Tour Winner
Dec 1, 2009
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On the topic of laser surgery, did everyone really find it that bad\painful?

I thought it was fine, and I was absolutely fine as soon as it finished, where as there was another guy there at the same time as me who was really struggling just after the surgery and needed painkillers. I thought it was just him making a meal of things, but perhaps not.

Am I the exception here, or did anyone else find it was really quick, painless and straight afterwards they were fine?

I will add it possibly depends on prescription, I was just very mildly short sighted, if you have a stronger prescription and perhaps astigmatism, obviously you will need more time under the laser, and so might explain this.

I assume that you had LASIK where they slice off the top of your cornea with a microkeratome before they switch on the laser? I couldn't have this form of treatment as my corneas weren't thick enough so they used an older, more barbaric form of surgery where the upper layer of cornea is removed with an alcohol solution. It was the week after, during which my corneas were repairing themselves that I had a lot of discomfort. It was like having sand in my eyes for a week and there was no relief from it at all, couldn't see, couldn't sleep... it was horrible.

I'd do it all again if I had to.


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May 26, 2010
Gloucester, UK
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I wear glasses and don't find it's a problem. Only time it's a problem is when it's "gloomy" outside or starting to get dark. I can't see the ball past about 150 yards after that.

Same goes for when I'm at the range at night. I can see the ball for about 160-170 yards but never see it actually land, but I can see it for long enough to know I've pushed it to the right or hooked it to the left :(

Would love contacts but tried them and just couldn't get them in my eyes without ALOT of hassle.

I'll hopefully get laser surgery one day when I can afford it!


Challenge Tour Pro
Mar 5, 2009
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Surprised with some of the responses on here. I wore gas permable contact lenses 15 hours aday 7 days aweek for over 25 years. I wouldn't say i didn't have any problems but 99.9% of the time they were great. If they ever felt like drying out i used to just put some drops into my eyes.

However, about 12 months ago I noticed that my vision was getting so bad (with lenses) that I couldn't see a golf ball after about 80 yards. I saw my optician who diagnosed cateracts in both eyes (I was 54)
I had my first operation in June (same day england won a World Cup match, Defoe) and the second about 5 weeks later. The difference is amazing, because my eyes are/were so bad they left it so i am still slightly short-sighted, which means i need reading glasses, although I dont need them for working on a computer or reading a score card. I have also ordered a pair of glasses for long distance, which again are fantastic, but are no good when standing over the ball.

Therefore I would recommend that you give contacts a go, you have very little to lose, but a lot to gain.


Money List Winner
Aug 13, 2007
Middle Earth,
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Normal glasses are varifocals, but these can be a problem with golf - all those focus shifts. can't wear contacts so I have distance only glasses for golf - polaroids, so I need some 'yellows' for low-light conditions.

just make sure you carry some lens cloths in a poly bag, and pack some wipes as well for all those finger marks.


Money List Winner
Dec 3, 2010
Stevenage, Herts
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I wonder if the tolerances have changed for laser treatment, it was a while back when I enquired, knowing my luck no chance... hate being Mr Magoo yet my kids and gf think I suit specs.

Just got letter today as my eye exam is due so lets see if any blinder or stable ;)

edit* ah balls, +4 is strongest, implants are 2k per eye, but half price offer on so 2345 for both on interest free.... will stick to glasses and dailies :cool:


Club Champion
Jun 5, 2009
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I started wearing glasses about 6 years ago for golf - was amazed how much better it was on longer holes and seeing where my drive finished lol.

Only problem is in rain but I wear a baseball cap when i play so no major issues there.