Old Skier
Tour Winner
Maybe he wants to play in an open comp, maybe he wants to play in a national knock out, maybe when he plays with his mate whos a member somewhere and hes likes to be able to tell him his handicap without an argument over it not being real and if he wins it not counting because his handicap isnt real, maybe he wants one for his ego, maybe he cant afford membership currently but wants to keep his handicap, maybe hes injured/ill and doesnt want to commit to the high annual cost of membership.
Theres lot of reasons but they dont fit with the picture of the clubs, membership and their members
Put it the other way, why are so many clubs and their members so against anyone else being able to administer official handicaps?
Perhaps it’s because clubs need to follow rules and policies laid out by R&A/ EG/CONGU/County, and are audited to make sure that they are adhered too, how would the governing bodies ensure a single person/small society comply and how much will they be willing to pay above normal green fees to allow them to have the HC.