Getting on plane


Tour Winner
Apr 1, 2007
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Any tips and drills to help with this ? My mate commente d last night that i'm getting quite flat and around my body whereas my practise swing looks pretty much bang on.
I really struggle with this too, would be interested to hear people thoughts. it means that my hands have to be really quick through impact which causes allot of inconsistency.

May be try to over exaggerate a vertical plane on your practice swings to fool you into a steeper swing plane?

On the range ...
At setup, imagine the plane in which the shaft is in at setup
Ignore EVERYTHJNG else that you know /think about re the golf swing
Try and take the club back and keep the shaft in exactly the same plane
Try to go back as far as your left forearm horizontal of thereabouts
The only thing that matters in this exercise is the shaft - no thing else
The just hit the ball from there

I find this helps when I have plane probs
Any tips and drills to help with this ? My mate commente d last night that i'm getting quite flat and around my body whereas my practise swing looks pretty much bang on.

It's changed in the weeks since I played with you then, get someone to video you on a phone and have a check yourself but I thought your swing was good.
It's changed in the weeks since I played with you then, get someone to video you on a phone and have a check yourself but I thought your swing was good.

It is a bit scary how a comment by a mate can generate a thought that something needs fixing!

What makes the OP think that it's the 'proper' swing that has the 'problem'? Are there any particular problems that may be caused by a 'too flat' swing that are happening?

Swingyde can help some wrist-cock issues. What's your problem?
It is a bit scary how a comment by a mate can generate a thought that something needs fixing!

What makes the OP think that it's the 'proper' swing that has the 'problem'? Are there any particular problems that may be caused by a 'too flat' swing that are happening?

Swingyde can help some wrist-cock issues. What's your problem?

@hjs one plane really, when I have tried 2 plane I re-route the club and end up with it stuck behind me and I flip at it with my hands.

@val. & FH - I felt as though I was swinging well @ preston but ive struggled in my last couple of rounds with the longer clubs, especially the driver. Mostly pull hooks, and when I asked my mate to stand behind me he mentioned id got very flat and was noticably coming ott. I know I usually come ott, but only very slightly. Funny howit comes and goes!!!
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