Getting a bit flat on top

Nov 23, 2010
The People's Republic of Leith, Edinburgh
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Had a trip to the range at lunch to work on a couple of things that were going awry during my round yesterday...... During the session I took a quick (v poor quality) iPhone bid which shows that I'm getting VERY flat at the "top" of my swing. While I'm making a really good square contact with the ball most of the time I suspect that this may well be a significant contributing cause to the my gremlins (I am prone to an out-in swing when things aren't quite synching)

Any tips out there for getting a bit more "upright" ??


Any advice gratefully received


Head Pro
Sep 1, 2010
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This is what I did.
Rig a mirror up at home and make a normal address with an 8 iron. Stick a line of masking tape on the line of the shaft.
Next step will take a few attempts, what you need to do is stop at the top of your back swing and make your straight left arm parallel with the tape ( it will be above, but parallel) when you get this put another line of tape on the mirror where you see your left arm.

You will know have two parallel lines on the mirror.
Make sure you always set up the same distance from the mirror and just practice making back swings where your right arm is in line with the top bit of tape.

This ensures a correct swing plane and position at the top.
Hope you could understand that mate, it worked for me.


Money List Winner
Mar 4, 2009
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I've been avoiding this worried I'd get shot down. BUT, if you ask me, swinging it flatter (if you are too upright) is the easier of the two to fix.
To get more upright, the best thing is to check at the point you cock your wrists. It amazes me how many players have the butt end of the club way outside the ball and never think to improve this basic principle. Think more Nick Faldo than Vijay or Jamie Sadlowski!