General Play round, 2 people playing, 1 scoring

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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Quick question. I haven't got many cards in the year and I want to move things along a bit. I'm playing on Sunday with someone who has a handicap but whilst I will put in a GP card I know he wont. They can confirm my scores but will not want their own done.

I have done GP cards in the past via EG app, really easy, but that needs two people to play and put cards in, unless I'm missing something. My club uses ClubV1 and HowDidIDo.

Is the above possible using the tech described or do I need to go old school, inform the pro shop beforehand, fill in a physical card?

Deleted member 31467

We use IG and you can register a GP card before you begin fill out a physical card then get signed and finally upload a picture of it all within the app.

Voyager EMH

Slipper Wearing Plucker of Pheasants
Mar 14, 2021
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How does a person, who does not carry electronic devices, submit a general play score?

My guess is that a signed and dated card has to be given to the handicap secretary of the club.
As I have never submitted a general play score, I do not know and I am genuinely interested.
I would not be comfortable with the idea that it can not be done without electronic devices.


Well-known member
Jan 24, 2021
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How does a person, who does not carry electronic devices, submit a general play score?

My guess is that a signed and dated card has to be given to the handicap secretary of the club.
As I have never submitted a general play score, I do not know and I am genuinely interested.
I would not be comfortable with the idea that it can not be done without electronic devices.
I'm not 100% convinced you aren't being facetious, however...
Ours is the kind of club that attracts many new golfers who don't have a handicap index. The first handicap card has to be a physical card, signed by a marker. I did one yesterday. We leave them in a folder in the clubhouse and make the handicap sec aware with a message.
No reason a technophobe couldn't do this whenever they please, although I'm not sure how or to whom you would declare your intent before the round.


Tour Winner
Feb 21, 2013
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I'm not 100% convinced you aren't being facetious, however...
Ours is the kind of club that attracts many new golfers who don't have a handicap index. The first handicap card has to be a physical card, signed by a marker. I did one yesterday. We leave them in a folder in the clubhouse and make the handicap sec aware with a message.
No reason a technophobe couldn't do this whenever they please, although I'm not sure how or to whom you would declare your intent before the round.
Someone will confirm I'm sure but I thought signing in to the app was required before playing. That is the pre-declaration.


Journeyman Pro
Feb 4, 2012
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How does a person, who does not carry electronic devices, submit a general play score?

My guess is that a signed and dated card has to be given to the handicap secretary of the club.
As I have never submitted a gto eneral play score, I do not know and I am genuinely interested.
I would not be comfortable with the idea that it can not be done without electronic devices.
At their own Club they would use the PSI to register their intent then use it again to submit scores.... simplest.

Voyager EMH

Slipper Wearing Plucker of Pheasants
Mar 14, 2021
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At their own Club they would use the PSI to register their intent then use it again to submit scores.... simplest.
What if the handicap secretary were at the club before the player commenced play.
Would simply verbally informing the handicap secretary of the intent to submit a general play score be sufficient?
The signed and dated card being handed to the handicap secretary after play was completed.


Princess Pouty (Queen of Fish Lips)
Aug 22, 2010
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What if the handicap secretary were at the club before the player commenced play.
Would simply verbally informing the handicap secretary of the intent to submit a general play score be sufficient?
The signed and dated card being handed to the handicap secretary after play was completed.
That's how I understand it. As long as you declare to handicap secretary or whoever is responsible for entering and approving scores at your club before you play, then crack on and leave the signed and dated card for them at the end of your round.
You could always email (or send a letter! 😉) before the round too, if they aren't always at the club.
Or carrier pigeon? 🤣


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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How does a person, who does not carry electronic devices, submit a general play score?

My guess is that a signed and dated card has to be given to the handicap secretary of the club.
As I have never submitted a general play score, I do not know and I am genuinely interested.
I would not be comfortable with the idea that it can not be done without electronic devices.

Where I play we have IG

You sign for a GP round on the PSI screen before going out. Record the score on the PSI screen when you come in. Leave the card in the box below the screen.


Well-known member
Oct 5, 2018
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That's how I understand it. As long as you declare to handicap secretary or whoever is responsible for entering and approving scores at your club before you play, then crack on and leave the signed and dated card for them at the end of your round.
You could always email (or send a letter! 😉) before the round too, if they aren't always at the club.
Or carrier pigeon? 🤣
Do you need to inform the handicap secretary or can you just not inform the person marking your card that you are submitting a general play round? What if I'm playing at a mates course, surely I can just inform the marker of my card of my intent on the first tee and they mark the card as normal and then I could hand the card into the club?

Obviously I'd just use my phone before the round but thinking for the technophobes out there.


Well-known member
May 25, 2022
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Yep. But we're talking about the tech-free equivalent at this point.
So do you not have to let the handicap sec know about a card coming in? (Physical)

I ask because I want to start getting my handicap and I don't know the process for the first few cards. I know I can ask at the club and I would've done had I not seen this rather apt thread pop up. Does it differ between clubs?


Undisputed King of FOMO
Jun 18, 2020
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So do you not have to let the handicap sec know about a card coming in? (Physical)

I ask because I want to start getting my handicap and I don't know the process for the first few cards. I know I can ask at the club and I would've done had I not seen this rather apt thread pop up. Does it differ between clubs?

Your club will have its own method - but in principal most English clubs require the same thing.

54 holes of scorecards played under official rules. This can be 6 9's, 3 18's or a mix of them (4 9's and 1 18 etc)

My club requires you to complete these rounds with a member who has a handicap at the club. Thats it. If you don't have a friend to do it, you play at the back of the comp (not in the comp though) and complete the rounds there.


Well-known member
May 25, 2022
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Your club will have its own method - but in principal most English clubs require the same thing.

54 holes of scorecards played under official rules. This can be 6 9's, 3 18's or a mix of them (4 9's and 1 18 etc)

My club requires you to complete these rounds with a member who has a handicap at the club. Thats it. If you don't have a friend to do it, you play at the back of the comp (not in the comp though) and complete the rounds there.
That is my understanding of my club as well. Three rounds with a member w/ handicap. Great shout about the comp, though. I will definitely enquire about that. They've said that they'll be more than happy to help arrange opportunities to get those cards signed :)


Well-known member
Jan 24, 2021
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So do you not have to let the handicap sec know about a card coming in? (Physical)

I ask because I want to start getting my handicap and I don't know the process for the first few cards. I know I can ask at the club and I would've done had I not seen this rather apt thread pop up. Does it differ between clubs?
In theory, I think, yes. There should probably be a book or sheet to sign somewhere. Ours is a small club with various Admin and social Whatsapp groups. If marking a newbie's handicap card, I just message the HC sec and hand the card in. We don't have a communal computer screen like most places seem to.