Gary Player - sinner or saint?


Assistant Pro
Nov 17, 2014
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watched "sporting legends" on sky the other night and got talking to my brother about how confident and unshakeable In self belief Gary Player is - he commented that there had been a lot of raised eyebrows about some of his practices and that there had been controversy around his 1974 open win, and that there had been some falling out with tom Watson during a skins game.

so, what's the story with Gary Player? He is full of himself, there's no doubt about that, but I've always liked him, and cannot believe that Nicklaus, Palmer etc would ever spend time with him if they had any doubts.....
Bit of both. Great player who made the most of his game and used fitness to compensate for his stature. Turned out, in the end, to be a good ambassador for ZA.

Very opinionated and prone to hyperbole, and if the rumours about 1974 were confirmed, his career would be massively tarnished. Taking the Skins Game into account, would suggest there may be more than a whiff about it.
I get the impression he's more willing to speak about against some of the elements in the game that other would rather he did not. Drugs in golf being a good example, plus he has a lot to say about the way modern equipment is effecting the game. Fair play to him to some extent, I expect that has not endeered him to the custodians of the game but hey ho.
Rather like him, myself. A tremendous record of punching above his weight and developing skills and behaviors which are now embedded within the game (fitness, mental fortitude, world travelling).

Just a little eccentric and has usually got something worthwhile to say putting it across very directly without being rude but still with a wry grin.
Ive just watched a video of his shot on the 18th that he played left handed. It was mentioned he moved a mound of earth on a practice backswing that would of incurred a penalty and its quite obvious to see.
A great golfer without doubt, but I cannot stand him! He's got a very bad case of small man syndrome. Forever going on about punching above his weight etc, bore off Gary we have heard it all before. In fact that's all the ever hear every time he talks about HIS amazing talents!
A great golfer without doubt, but I cannot stand him! He's got a very bad case of small man syndrome. Forever going on about punching above his weight etc, bore off Gary we have heard it all before. In fact that's all the ever hear every time he talks about HIS amazing talents!
"I can beat anybody at press ups", "I can hold these two clubs horizontally with just two fingers"
"Punch me in the stomach, go on, punch me in the stomach" blah, blah, blah
A great 'Player' and ambassador.Would have won more majors if he was an amercan in amerca.The travelling with a large family must have been tough in that era. Obviously keeps himself very fit as he does keep telling us, but never heard about his integirty being questioned??
The only incident I'm aware of involving Gary Player is that he was once accused of improving his lie in the rough after lifting his ball for identification. Could have been a misunderstanding.
"I can beat anybody at press ups", "I can hold these two clubs horizontally with just two fingers"
"Punch me in the stomach, go on, punch me in the stomach" blah, blah, blah

Yep, that part of him does my head in.

I dont think I've ever seen a 5 minute interview with him where fitness, press-ups or something havent been mentioned.
Can't argue with his record but there's something about him whenever I've seen him interviewed that just grates on me. Always seems to have to big himself up (No pun intended). The true greats let their record speak for itself. He seems to have the need to constantly point it out to people.

It's always, I was the first to do this, I done that etc etc.
Maybe they are mentioned by the interviewer. If so, what is he supposed to do, ignore the question?

If you dont want to come across as a crashing bore, yes.

Surely some journalists know it has been covered a gazillion times, so I'm sure some of them wouldn't have asked him, but he always manages to get onto the subject of how hard/fit he is.

Not sure what to make of the first practice swing where he clears a fair amount of dirt

Not sure what to make of the first practice swing where he clears a fair amount of dirt

Nothing to be made of it. Its the modern way to besmirch, doubt or be convinced that everyone's up to something, particularly on the witchunt social media outlets. Bit like the hoo hah with Zach Johnson on the 72nd green at this year's Open. Sometimes you do wonder whether people are looking / hoping to find fault.
Nothing to be made of it. Its the modern way to besmirch, doubt or be convinced that everyone's up to something, particularly on the witchunt social media outlets. Bit like the hoo hah with Zach Johnson on the 72nd green at this year's Open. Sometimes you do wonder whether people are looking / hoping to find fault.
"Nothing to be made of it"??? - what, nothing to be made of the mountain of dirt he moves from behind his ball? Clear rule breach Imo.
"Nothing to be made of it"??? - what, nothing to be made of the mountain of dirt he moves from behind his ball? Clear rule breach Imo.

Oh well, what ya gonna do about it? Contact the R&A and tell them they should disqualify Player and award the title to whoever was second. I'm sure they'll be interested.
Oh well, what ya gonna do about it? Contact the R&A and tell them they should disqualify Player and award the title to whoever was second. I'm sure they'll be interested.
Lol. Not gonna do anything about it. (Of course), but that's the first time I've seen it, and if any one of us did that in any comp, or playing with our mates, I'd expect a penalty !