Ford Escort RS1600i.

Funny how some cars that were considered not that great back in the day are now considered classics and fetching a small/large fortune.

That Skyline is a fantastic car. The E30 the wrong colour, 30 years ago you’d struggle to sell one.
The E30 above went for, wait for it .................................................................................... £147,000.

I was offered an E30 M3 Evo2 in about 2003 for 5grand... i said no. It needed a little bit of work.... haunts me to this day.
I hate the thought of these fabulous cars being locked away and out of sight for most of their lives.

A guy near me on my school run i chat to has started a collection, says its better returns than bonds etc. He has just started slowly building his collection. An E30 325i convertible, E46 M3 convertible, and a mint pug 205 gti. I like having a chat with him!
This is my daily bread and butter work wise. I deal with Classic Car/Classic Motor Trade insurance. Some of the collections I come across are just stunning!