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It's all about having a high fat diet in a low insulin environment. I have tried the keto diet for 6 months (I was paid to). And whilst my good cholesterol went up and my bad went down I felt like a zombie and my weight training suffered big time. It improved my dry skin and my hair was heavily soft though ?
Are you on keto diet? I am very interested in it
I started my journey of improving myself and my life, recently I started watching videos of Dr. Berk (sure you know his channel on YouTube, he is a very famous doctor on the web), he is a coach of the keto diet and teaches how to do it right, I follow his advice and I lost a little of my weight but I need more, it seems I feel healthier over the past six months, I also take injections with peptides, which should have a good effect on the general state of the organism and on weight loss, I see that in the USA peptides and keto diet become more and more popular, so I am trying this combination to get my goal
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