Just read a very interesting article in Golf World (ashamed ) by Nick Price on driving.
He is saying that all the pros nowadays play draw swings with their drivers for any shape of shot and if they want to fade the ball they still play with a draw swing (in to out) but simply leave the face open at address to cut it a little and make it go left to right.
I had never come across this before, me assuming that when a fade was mentioned it was done with a traditional out to in swing path and trying not to turn the hands over through impact.
The theory being that on a draw swing the clubhead approaches the ball on a shallower plane and with more speed so generates more distance, something the pros cannot afford to give up on the monster courses they play nowadays.
Did anyone else know this? I thought I knew quite a lot about golf but Nicks article made for interesting reading and a good few things I hadn't read before.
He is saying that all the pros nowadays play draw swings with their drivers for any shape of shot and if they want to fade the ball they still play with a draw swing (in to out) but simply leave the face open at address to cut it a little and make it go left to right.
I had never come across this before, me assuming that when a fade was mentioned it was done with a traditional out to in swing path and trying not to turn the hands over through impact.
The theory being that on a draw swing the clubhead approaches the ball on a shallower plane and with more speed so generates more distance, something the pros cannot afford to give up on the monster courses they play nowadays.
Did anyone else know this? I thought I knew quite a lot about golf but Nicks article made for interesting reading and a good few things I hadn't read before.