Eyes - don't take them for granted!


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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Some of you will know that I had emergency surgery exactly 2 weeks ago for a retina tear. My consultant saw me yesterday for a check up. He said that it had been a difficult one to fix and that had I not come in when I did that I'd have almost certainly gone blind in the eye within 7 days!

Now, blindness following a retina detachment can often be fixed but, I understand, with less good results than from my torn one but i just wanted to write about the symptoms etc.

Luckily I was aware that anything like a black curtain, disc or the like moving or still in your vision is potentially a bad sign, I just had a black disc that when I blinked, and only on odd occasions, for a few days, came down from the top of my vision to about half way and then just went back up and out of vision. I went to my optician, advice is go there or straight to A&E as doctors don't have the means to check this problem properly. My optician immediately rang the eye clinic at my local hospital as its essential to get their referral. I was in the hospital an hour later and the diagnosis confirmed and was sent to St Thomas' Hospital London 7.30 the next morning for surgery - that is how quickly action is needed! I stood in the waiting room looking at the Thames, London Eye etc and my vision was perfect, so please don't just assume there's nothing wrong.

I have only written this story so that anyone here, your family or friends that have an eye problem in any way similar, please please don't mess about - get to an optician or A&E urgently - I met a lady at the clinic who was given bad advice with hers, left it too long, and us now pretty certain to be blind in one eye.

That doesn't bear thinking about


Please don’t ask to see my tatts 👍
Dec 12, 2013
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Missis T had a problem with her eye a couple of years back, pain got so bad a times she wanted to pull her eye out. After much Toing and frowns they thought she had a herpes virus in her eye. Turns out it was a virus but not Herpes. Anyway, she went for an eye test on Tuesday and her eye sight has deteriorated in the last year, which they said it would?
Pal of mine had a cornea graft a couple of years ago and wanted to pull his eye out with a corkscrew such was the pain. Is on drops for the rest of his life because of the graft.
As the OP says, if in doubt get them checked.


Challenge Tour Pro
Nov 1, 2014
St Neots, Cambs
About the only upside of being diabetic is the annual very thorough eye check, but I'm not for one moment suggesting that anyone should get diabetes for the eye check. We do tend to take our eyesight for granted and the OP 's post is a good reminder to us all.


Tour Rookie
Dec 3, 2014
East Lothian
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Thanks for posting this.

I had a similar fright, but thankfully not as serious as your good self.

I took a blow to the side of the head/eye from a football at full force and very close. I was seeing stars literally.

The next day I was aware of a visual disturbance at the edge of my vision in that eye.

Went to my optician who was brilliant. After a lengthy examination she told me that my retina was fine but could clearly see a large floater that must have been dislodged by the blow. Hopefully it will break up over time.


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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Thanks for posting this.

I had a similar fright, but thankfully not as serious as your good self.

I took a blow to the side of the head/eye from a football at full force and very close. I was seeing stars literally.

The next day I was aware of a visual disturbance at the edge of my vision in that eye.

Went to my optician who was brilliant. After a lengthy examination she told me that my retina was fine but could clearly see a large floater that must have been dislodged by the blow. Hopefully it will break up over time.

That's good news, just be careful as the floater can pull on the retina (especially in older age) and that's what accounts for most retina tears/detachments I understand.


Tour Winner
Jul 1, 2009
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Good post Chris and I'm pleased things are going in the right direction for you.

I know it's nothing in comparison to your eye trouble but I miss not having to wear reading glasses. They are a royal pain in the arse. A few years back I had 20/20 vision and now I wouldn't be able to type this post without glasses.


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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Thanks guys

I'm just so aware that had I not known the signals I absolutely would have not seen anyone about my eye and then BOOM the retina detaches and things get significantly worse!


Sep 11, 2011
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Don't worry mate .....................

I nearly saw it coming!

He's behind you!

Just beating the Christmas panto rush.

A good post Chris. I dare say a number of us could add something anecdotal. It is a frightening experience. Your world revolves around sight. Eye care is essential.

Deleted member 21258

Thanks for the post.

Glad to hear it got sorted in time.


Tour Winner
Apr 24, 2010
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Had a not dissimilar story in the past month and a half,which has turned out ok.
However the level of care shown by the high street optician, who examined me twice, the second day in her own time the evening after she shut the practice for the day, and the immediate referral, and then the quality and care for several hospital trips from everyone involved,

There are some fabulous people who do brilliant jobs if you give them the chance,
At no stage did anyone involved give any suggestion that we should soldier on. It became extremely clear that when it comes to eyes, take anything different in your vision straight to an optician. Don't ask for an appointment,tell them exactly what you are concerned with, and they will fit you in or refer you straight away.


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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He's behind you!

Just beating the Christmas panto rush.

A good post Chris. I dare say a number of us could add something anecdotal. It is a frightening experience. Your world revolves around sight. Eye care is essential.

Quite right Brian, my optician is Tesco and they want to do a press release, to show how good they were but also to highlight the symptoms and the need for urgency


Money List Winner
Jan 30, 2012
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Good post Chris. As the majority of the forum are stubborn old men, bite the bullet and see a specialist. Regarless of how embarrassing it may be. (As u can tell I'm not talking just about eyes but health in general) if in doubt, get it checked.

As some may know I have a disease called ulcerative colitis, yes it is as per it's name, I have ulcers in my colon and its incurable. Could I have made it better quicker? Hell yes! I suffered in silence for over 6 months before I went to the doctors after pooing a not inconsiderate amount of blood every day for 6 months. Yes the first appointment was awkward as I got fingered by a 6'4" ex rugby playing GP, but now half of west berkshires NHS staff has seen my Arse and beyond and I don't care.

Long story short, if you are concerned, suck it up and seek help.


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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Good post Chris. As the majority of the forum are stubborn old men, bite the bullet and see a specialist. Regarless of how embarrassing it may be. (As u can tell I'm not talking just about eyes but health in general) if in doubt, get it checked.

As some may know I have a disease called ulcerative colitis, yes it is as per it's name, I have ulcers in my colon and its incurable. Could I have made it better quicker? Hell yes! I suffered in silence for over 6 months before I went to the doctors after pooing a not inconsiderate amount of blood every day for 6 months. Yes the first appointment was awkward as I got fingered by a 6'4" ex rugby playing GP, but now half of west berkshires NHS staff has seen my Arse and beyond and I don't care.

Long story short, if you are concerned, suck it up and seek help.

Spot on Rooter, embarrassing or not there are signs to see of certain illnesses and I just hope that threads like this awaken people to what they need to seek help for. If only one person dashes to their optician after a similar episode to mine, after reading this, its job done!