Excellent, let us all just forget the total muck up the two sides of the Tory party have made of our country.
In financial reality this jolly old jape has sent us back to the 1980's and made the UK the laughing stock of the world.
As for 'I told you it would happen'. Well many experts did and, like Mr Gove, the separatists chose to ignore them.
Lets all go into denial, roll up our sleeves and fight the years of anguish, family break ups and poverty
Sometimes things have to get worse before they get better, that's the recipe of change, I know it's a dirty word for some, but change was needed and for those that thought or believed you'd ever reform the EU, well you were kidding yourselves, some of the stories I am following and reading on how some of the banks in Europe are in serious trouble gives me the confidence that we are well out of it, because quite simply, it would be us putting in more money to bail these countries out, and what would have Brussels done to ensure we could do this, fine us, put up our VAT, put more export sanctions on our businesses so that other countries can compete and import into us, we are well out of it IMO, yes nothing can look rosey within days, weeks or even possibly months, but we now we simply cut our cloth to suit and the positives will come to the fore, but they can't and won't happen overnight, there are so many half glass people on here, doom and gloom merchants it's unbelievable, if you were happy how things were and it was only going to get worse IMO, then god knows what kind of country you were prepared and happy to live in, change was needed, it wasn't going to happen by staying, that IMO is fact because everything else around and within the EU is failing and crumbling and it would have hurt us more staying and going down with so many other sinking ships!
I read a very good article regarding the fishing waters stating that once we get them fully back along with certain restrictive quotas that were imposed upon us, that industry alone could produce tens of thousands of jobs, not just on the water, but throughout the whole industry right through to the end user, I'm sure there are many other instances of mass positives out there, but for some reason too many people just want to hang on to all the negatives, because, well because the democratic vote didn't go their way, unbelievable!