England Golf. Closing golf right or wrong?

I raised this purely as a point of discussion. I thought that I made that clear, but apparently not.

I'll ask again; if you were in your eighties, at what mark would you think 'sod that just to stay alive'? The potential idea of living out your last couple of years in isolation must be scarier than dying of a virus, to some at least.

If this turns out to be longer than a few weeks, then it is going to badly affect the mental health of many people.

Hey they could send out DIY suicide kits that’ll solve the problem won’t it?

In 3 months the virus will either have gone or the majority of the population will have had it, I think that’s the herd immunity thing they were referring to.

We are all going to get it, the measures are in place so we don’t all get it at once,
once testing is avIlable, some, possibly many, will find out they have had it, and are now immune. Many might have had such a mild version, they have no idea they have been infected.

Are these people then allowed out? Free from the lock down? Can they then play golf? How would it be policed? A license to roam?
If I get told I'm allowed out and it turns out all my mates aren't, I'm going to send them daily photos of me playing golf :D
If this turns out to be longer than a few weeks, then it is going to badly affect the mental health of many people.
Whilst this is being mentioned a lot, people aren't really taking it in. I guess the main thought is that if you are elderly and become depressed as a result of isolation, it's not likely to kill you in the next few months. Covid-19 might well do the job though.
The only risk that I can see, provided the 2 metre gap Is maintained, is from touching your ball, which has been in a hole occupied by a ball which has been touched by someone else. How about filling the holes with disinfectant? Would that be a solution once the Rules are relaxed?
once testing is avIlable, some, possibly many, will find out they have had it, and are now immune. Many might have had such a mild version, they have no idea they have been infected.

Are these people then allowed out? Free from the lock down? Can they then play golf? How would it be policed? A license to roam?

The licence to roam is one of the options being used in China. Residents have a personal QR code on their phone, and the police carry a QR reader.
? the correct one.

Having witnessed so many golfers sitting close together standing in a group it was only a matter of time before people went against what the government want and what is right to get rid of this awful virus.

I did hear one report of a group who took the flag out on every hole as well.

People do not listen to advice.

We need to take note how serious this is.

As much as it hurts us all as the weather is finally nice it’s totally the correct decision.
We had this Sunday last . Group ahEad of us took flag out for 6 holes.. 6th green 7th tee is next time we got near each other so we reminded them . Their answer .. if ur that worried about stuff go up and tell group ahead to speed up ..

We had bn told going out to leave flags in .group ahead said they werent told ?
One of the group won ..

To OP . Miss my golf but riģt decision . Alot more important stuff happening right now
Since we are only allowed to exercise for an hour a day that ruled out golf no matter what measures were put in place.

If restrictions are relaxed some time in the future, we could think about just painting a circle on the green and putting to that. No need to touch a flag or put a hand in a hole.
On the day before the shut down one thing I spotted that gave me have a couple of thoughts.

How do two players sharing the same buggy socially isolate and who is at risk from using the same buggy or putting it back in to storage later in the day?
On the day before the shut down one thing I spotted that gave me have a couple of thoughts.

How do two players sharing the same buggy socially isolate and who is at risk from using the same buggy or putting it back in to storage later in the day?
The original advice/instruction was not to share buggies.
Clean buggies after use in the same way as supermarkets clean trolleys
Wuhan, has started to ease restrictions after a two month lock down with cases dramatically down.
I think those talking about this lasting up to 18 months here are being pessimistic to say the least.
As for playing golf, have just read about a 27 year old Welsh lad who's wife found him dead in the bedroom, leaving a months old baby, 4 yr old son and wife, family can't even comfort them due to self isolating.
They won't be the only ones in this situation, those wanting golf course open really need a reality check
I raised this purely as a point of discussion. I thought that I made that clear, but apparently not.

I'll ask again; if you were in your eighties, at what mark would you think 'sod that just to stay alive'? The potential idea of living out your last couple of years in isolation must be scarier than dying of a virus, to some at least.

I am that man and it's a good question. I can only look so far ahead and, as I live alone, don't have to be worried about having any effect on anyone else. I am holed up with a well-stocked freezer and plenty to occupy myself and regular WhatsApp video contact with my daughter and son and family. I am very fortunate to have a 1/3 acre isolated garden with a full PW/9 iron length if I get desperate. Obviously, going from playing golf at least 3 times a week to zero has proved to be difficult but not the end of the world. I have no idea how my thinking will change the longer this goes on but I would like to think that I won't reach the "sod everyone else" stage.