Journeyman Pro
Yes its the right action to take, however I think too many are still working and shouldnt be. Only medical workers, chemists and food shops should be allowed to stay open.
Plus other support functions I agree. There no need to build houses right now that’s for certain.Yes its the right action to take, however I think too many are still working and shouldnt be. Only medical workers, chemists and food shops should be allowed to stay open.
I actually think if everyone adhered to what they’re being told a full lockdown may be avoidable, but they simply won’t.I think you’re right but not because of people ignoring the rules. The government have done very well in staggering the impacts, following the plan to the letter to avoid a collapse of our economy and society. I just think a total lock down in a couple of weeks is the next steps. The supermarkets are massively ramping up on staff.
Pubs still serving? Where's that? Everything near me is locked up.
I actually think if everyone adhered to what they’re being told a full lockdown may be avoidable, but they simply won’t.
As a frontline worker I can tell you the number of pubs still serving is shocking. People are having Coronavirus house parties, family get togethers. The response has been embarrassing, and most worrying of all is the fact so many of those ignoring the advice are those it’s specifically intended to protect.
As someone said only this evening, the police won’t win this battle without the full backing of the public, because you can’t police stupid.
I’m torn on this one. I’ve elderly parents I need to protect but I pass more people exercising by walking around than I ever do on the course. We see parks and beaches littered with people and as we can’t get online food shops we end up queuing to get in places around more people.
It seems when we need as many open spaces as possible, more are closing. Did they do the right thing or did they bolt too early when they should maybe have been proving some reasoning?
P.s. no name calling people as self centred or selfish. We’re all entitled to genuine opinion.