driver swing


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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been working on my driving since I had a lesson 2 weeks ago. moved the ball up in my stance. today I tried pulling my right foot back a bit. it seemed to stop me hooking it as much. hit quite a few good ones today. both of these shots were pretty good. nice high flight and long (for me). pro is happy for me to keep my death grip.

side on


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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comments good and bad please.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
If you are working with a pro then I'd just stick to that if I were you. There's a lot of things I'd change, but on the basis that it appears to work for you right now I'd leave well alone and work on the things your pro has said.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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If you are working with a pro then I'd just stick to that if I were you. There's a lot of things I'd change, but on the basis that it appears to work for you right now I'd leave well alone and work on the things your pro has said.

only had 1 half hour lesson. as I have mentioned before, we didn't get much past getting the ball up in my stance and told to hit from the inside!

id love to do a complete swing rebuild but don't really have the time and don't really want to spend a fortune on lessons. maybe something I could do in the future once my game completely stalls.

ive managed to keep dropping handicap whilst being the worst driver you are likely to see. god bless my short game! :eek:


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Pro said work with the grip for now, you having a series of lessons G?

So not with a view to change stuff just from a point of information, it's the right hand position that is much more of an issue, way under the handle so a good ways too far in the palm of the hand. That right thumb forefinger crease pointing way to the right of you, misses the right shoulder by a good ways.

Guessing from the front on view if someone came up & just pressed their finger into you forearms there would be little or no 'give' in them whatsoever.

Both arms look a deal rigid, left arm ideally would want to be relaxed straight & more in a 'hanging feel' condition rather than a tense held pointed out condition, right arm ideally relaxed soft, slight give in the elbow, not bent, just soft to the inside of the elbow.

Arms tense in this 'tense more held' position transfer that tension to the shoulders, so they get very rigid & held a little ways artificially upwards, makes a turn around the spine a deal more difficult.
Tension in arms & shoulders upper body will also reduce your ability to produce clubhead speed for the swing motion.

So to the way the arms so shoulders are in a more held raised position also puts the chin very close to the chest also making the body rotation more difficult.

This all has an affect also on being able to have a good secondary spine tilt away from target.
First glance will show right shoulder lower than than the left so you may think okay, but if you look closer you'll see that although that is true, right is below left, nevertheless the whole upper body is held in an upright position, if you look at how your upper body sits on the hip girdle. You'll also notice your hips are pretty level, ideally in address posture your right hip would be a little ways lower than the left.

You'll also see that despite the right shoulder being lower than the left, the secondary spine tilt away from target just isn't there, the spine is sitting on the hips still virtually at 90º to the ground.

In posture you want a solid lower half that a more relaxed upper body & arms can turn over. The solid lower body provides the support, resistance & balance to rotate chest/shoulders over with a connected arm swing to produce club head speed.

So your shoulders & arm tension, chin more on the chest no secondary spine tilt is the reason you can't make a complete shoulder turn which is also the reason your upper body, spine, lifts & tilts towards the target at the top of the backswing.

Relaxed hands forearms would mean you could then have relaxed shoulders not held up so chin not so close to the chest, you'd be able to get your spine leaning away from target so be better able to make a complete shoulder turn in posture more into the right hip socket weight staying on the inside of the right foot & at the top of the swing the spine would correctly tilt away from target still. {not lean towards it}
From there you'd be much better placed to swing downwards to the bottom of the swing arc some 3" or 4'" before the ball to deliver the club head with better speed upwards through impact.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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nail on head about my chin always getting in the way !!

pro told me to come back in a months time. work on having the ball up in stance to at least get me some elevation. before I went I was hitting low hooks. bringing the clubface in so so closed. barely carrying 190 and left going left.

at the minute I am compensating by opening the clubface going back. I can see the reverse pivot, that's been there for years.

pro says we will look at my chronic coming out of posture. standing up through the shot.

years of doing my own thing I suppose! :eek:


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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all stems from slightly skewed address set-up, posture angles, arms, & right hand, + tension etc at address.

if & when you can work with him to start to change the set-up, all the other issues will start to go away, set-up, tension, arms, upper body. shoulders, causing the chin position. way the upper body sits on the level hips means you don't get the secondary spine tilt, means in turn you can't complete the shoulder turn in posture & the upper body tilts the wrong ways getting to the top.

cure the posture, tension etc you'll cure the motion, if at some point you can address the right hand you won't hook etc. & de-loft shots.
good luck with the lessons & all
Last edited:


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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thanks. the right hand isn't always as far underneath. I was under some pressure (time constants), to get into position and make the swing to take the video. I fiddle with the right hand position from time to time.

I shall see what happens at the next lesson. the little changes so far have moved my driving from 3/10 to maybe a 6.

even before the changes I haven't had problems finding the middle of the bat, if a bit low. with the ball moved forward I seem to be making contact higher up the face. I noticed this with the wet impact marks at the range. cant be a bad thing!

anyway, got a comp tomorrow afternoon. ill get the driver out when its safe! :rofl:


Nov 16, 2011
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even before the changes I haven't had problems finding the middle of the bat, if a bit low. with the ball moved forward I seem to be making contact higher up the face. I noticed this with the wet impact marks at the range. cant be a bad thing!

Sweet-spot is actually above the centre of the face, so that's a good thing.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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Sweet-spot is actually above the centre of the face, so that's a good thing.

I've known that this was a problem for quite some time. the driver face on my 910 is peppered with marks centre and low on the face. I was never able to get it above centre until I moved the ball position forward. I previously had it around the middle of my left foot and centre of stance. far too far back for decent launch.

last two weeks have been a bit of an eye opener. I've known I needed to get the ball forward but I feared going back to hitting a slice. old habits die hard.

I am going to speak to the pro about getting rid of the reverse pivot. I can live with that with my irons but I want to wind behind the ball for the driver!


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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I've known that this was a problem for quite some time. the driver face on my 910 is peppered with marks centre and low on the face. I was never able to get it above centre until I moved the ball position forward. I previously had it around the middle of my left foot and centre of stance. far too far back for decent launch.

last two weeks have been a bit of an eye opener. I've known I needed to get the ball forward but I feared going back to hitting a slice. old habits die hard.

I am going to speak to the pro about getting rid of the reverse pivot. I can live with that with my irons but I want to wind behind the ball for the driver!

This really is all about the set up, your spine & hip alignments, shoulder & arm tension, detailed in the earlier post, those small changes in set up will have a very positive effect on how you can then turn to the top & better keep your angles, will also help with swing path & AoA into & through impact.