Driver advice please...

measured real life or ....?

180 carry for a 6i suggests you should be carrying your driver beyond the total distance you indicate

I agree.
The numbers don't stack up so I would recommend going to see your local pro and asking about your technique when using your driver. If you are hitting a 6i 180, you should have the ability to hit a driver 300. Probably less to do with the club you are using and more to do with the way you are swinging it.
You're hitting your irons really good distances so clearly your technique is good there. Maybe you're using the same technique and hitting down on your driver, losing yards. This is something I struggle with. I'd suggest your money would be better spent with a pro, not on a new driver (though I know it's tempting!)
3 things........

1) What setting have you currently got on your driver?
2) Are you REALLY getting the iron distances you are claiming?
3) 250 yards with a driver is longer than average for a club golfer

I'd get yourself booked onto a launch monitor to check out the numbers, you need to look at spin rate and launch angle NOT total distance. Get the first 2 right and the distance will take care of itself.
1) Current setting is a1.
2) The distances are accurate as far as I can reasonably calculate-distance markers on the ground plus a playing partner used his trolly GPS to distance it.

I am keen to see a pro or get a go on a monitor to see if that shows anything else up though.
I would echo what others have said, the money would be better spent on some time with your pro. I have spent about £120 for 5 lessons with my pro. 2 of which covered driving. I use to my drive 250yds in front and about 100yds left of the tee (a massive slice).

2 lessons with my pro, outlining what I was doing correctly and what could be improved, coupled with a few drills and bit of practice, I now hit 290yds (consistently) with maybe a 4-6foot cut (left to right).

I am much happier having spent the money with my pro, rather than shelfing a £260 driver and probably spending the same on a new one, that would in all likelyhood of given no change to my distance or accuracy.

Money with pro is money well spent.
I now hit 290yds (consistently) with maybe a 4-6foot cut (left to right).

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[TD="bgcolor: #F6F6F6, align: center"]54[/TD]
[TD="class: tdName, bgcolor: #F6F6F6"]Martin Kaymer[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F6F6F6, align: center"]292[/TD]

Martin.... is that you? ;)
Was pretty happy with irons-nice 10ish yard gaps all the way up the bag but was a little disappointed with 250yards average for the driver.

Sorry should have said distances were 180 for 6 iron and 210 for 3 iron....
Distances were total including carry and roll. Driver seemed to have particularly little roll out.

I know we all like to hit long, but surey a 250 yard driver and a 180 yar 6 iron hits most par 4's so i don't see the problem? Surely a 3 wood would get you to the green on most par 5's? Ok, stopping it may be a problem !!
1) Current setting is a1.
2) The distances are accurate as far as I can reasonably calculate-distance markers on the ground plus a playing partner used his trolly GPS to distance it.

I am keen to see a pro or get a go on a monitor to see if that shows anything else up though.

Try the D1 setting, that will bring the loft down to 9.75* so should give a slightly lower flight with a bit more run out :thup:
I was out with a guy on sunder who hit 9-iron 150-155, 5-iron 200 but Driver only about 250-260.

He was a serious 'de-lofter' with both irons and Driver, so slightly different issue to you. Driver flight always looked low but iron flight looked 'normal'.

Are your iron and Driver swings the same?

And, at least initially, it is likely that another 25 yards or so - what I expect would be 'balanced' - would mean that you would (just) miss a few more fairways. Being shorter means that you don't need to be quite as straight. That shouldn't take too long to adjust to though. Personally, I think 280 in the semi is better than 250 on the fairway.