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    • P
      Paxo replied to the thread YouTubers..
      Really enjoyed Rick Shiels' match with Justin Rose. I've quite liked all of these 10 shot challenges actually, but that's one of the best.
    • P
      Paxo replied to the thread YouTubers..
      You must be an outstanding putter! Haven't seen the recent video, but having watched her playing Crail with Rick Shiels she seemed to...
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      Paxo reacted to howbow88's post in the thread YouTubers. with Like Like.
      Have you called the police?
    • P
      Paxo reacted to GreiginFife's post in the thread A Load of Balls with Like Like.
      Glad to hear it, I don’t like TM balls anyway (not been a decent one since the Penta TP).
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