This exact thread? Some of the other ones have been more amusing / heated Homer .
GM should get two readers to write in the contrasting views articles they have each month, one for and one against GPS. that would make a good read and I would happily argue for their use.
I can't see the R & A banning them altogther after declaring it as a local rule. If they were to ban them now, they'd have to introduce a 10 year phase out as so many appear to have them already.
I think the R & A may still ban them for professional comps, but I can't see them doing it for the ametuer game.
The R&A as usual don't or wont make a ruling so fob it off to local clubs which causes confusion and friction. If the EGU have ok'd them I fail to see why the R&A refuse to settle the matter, no doubt take another 5 years for a decision and then another 20 years for the rules to change as per...