Does anyone agree with McDowell?


Club Champion
May 9, 2012
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He'll say he was being sporting, but I think GMac's concession on the 17th green was inexcusable.

He was having a tough day. He was 2 down with three to play. He hit a very weak 6' putt on the 16th when he had a chance to start a fightback, to leave him dormie 2.

At this point everyone knew it was going to go down to the wire, Europe needed every half point they could scrape.

Mcdowell leaves himself another 6' knee-trembler on the 17th for par.

Johnson putts up to about 3' and looks good to half the hole, and win the match.

McDowell conceded !!!!!

Now, as far as I'm concerned McDowell should have drained his putt, and forced Johnson to actually win the match, rather than just weakly give it away. If Johnson had missed, then GMac is in great shape to halve the match on the 18th.

Why didn't McDowell even bother trying?

Because he was so scared after his miss on the 16th that he couldn't face it, IMO.

When Westwood closed his game down Kuchar made him putt out from 2' because he realised the pressure made every putt missable.

Tiger conceded a half on the 18th after the USA had already lost the chance to win the Ryder Cup, and he'd missed his putt. He didn't lose his match, and the result didn't affect the overall outcome.

GMac can be a great player on his day, and he probably would have lost anyway, but today he gave up like a screaming Jessie. If he'd tried and failed, I'd have said well played to a plucky loser. But today, he wasn't plucky, he was just a loser.

He'll say he was being sporting, but I think GMac's concession on the 17th green was inexcusable.

He was having a tough day. He was 2 down with three to play. He hit a very weak 6' putt on the 16th when he had a chance to start a fightback, to leave him dormie 2.

At this point everyone knew it was going to go down to the wire, Europe needed every half point they could scrape.

Mcdowell leaves himself another 6' knee-trembler on the 17th for par.

Johnson putts up to about 3' and looks good to half the hole, and win the match.

McDowell conceded !!!!!

Now, as far as I'm concerned McDowell should have drained his putt, and forced Johnson to actually win the match, rather than just weakly give it away. If Johnson had missed, then GMac is in great shape to halve the match on the 18th.

Why didn't McDowell even bother trying?

Because he was so scared after his miss on the 16th that he couldn't face it, IMO.

When Westwood closed his game down Kuchar made him putt out from 2' because he realised the pressure made every putt missable.

Tiger conceded a half on the 18th after the USA had already lost the chance to win the Ryder Cup, and he'd missed his putt. He didn't lose his match, and the result didn't affect the overall outcome.

GMac can be a great player on his day, and he probably would have lost anyway, but today he gave up like a screaming Jessie. If he'd tried and failed, I'd have said well played to a plucky loser. But today, he wasn't plucky, he was just a loser.


im with you on this one, if your going to go down at least go down kicking foghting and screaming for all your worth.
Sadly I thought at the time that McDowell bottled it when he should have made Johnson win the match but at the end of the day his team mates did it for him.
It was good to see Westwood laughing about his 12" putt in the interview after he won - "I said to him I don't blame him for making me hole that last one" - if that was the mentality of the teams (which it should be) then no excuses for GMac!
Zach Johnson is a putting machine, he was never missing it. To say he bottled it is a joke too, he didnt play great by his own standards all weekend and only got beaten 2 and 1 in the end, hardly threw in the towel.
Zach Johnson is a putting machine, he was never missing it. To say he bottled it is a joke too, he didnt play great by his own standards all weekend and only got beaten 2 and 1 in the end, hardly threw in the towel.

Putting maching using the best putters on the market, i know someone with one :whistle: