Disrespect OR Ignorance?


Deleted member 15344

Whilst I agree with most of the above comments, we now seem to be having a minute's silence for too many reasons in the UK which to me takes away from the Armistice silence.

I’m not sure what else we have minute silences for but the only one that appears to be “country wide” is for Armistice

The traditional minutes silences they have at sporting events etc a lot of times are moving to a minute’s applause of appreciation - thankfully I think the message for armistice Day will continue strong

Blue in Munich

Crocked Professional Yeti Impersonator
Jan 12, 2013
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I’m not sure what else we have minute silences for but the only one that appears to be “country wide” is for Armistice

The traditional minutes silences they have at sporting events etc a lot of times are moving to a minute’s applause of appreciation - thankfully I think the message for armistice Day will continue strong

Ironically for the very reasons to OP cited Phil, disrespect and ignorance; certain individuals within the crowd decided that the silence was an ideal opportunity to shout abuse at the opposition fans or disrespect the deceased, so it moved to applause so that they lost their platform. Personally I think it is a shame as I consider the silence more respectful.

I don't know when it started with applause, but I can remember that in both the games immediately after Matthew Harding (25 years ago) & Peter Osgood (15 years ago) died the silence was immaculately observed by both the Chelsea & Tottenham fans, a point not lost on the stadium announcer.

Deleted member 15344

Ironically for the very reasons to OP cited Phil, disrespect and ignorance; certain individuals within the crowd decided that the silence was an ideal opportunity to shout abuse at the opposition fans or disrespect the deceased, so it moved to applause so that they lost their platform. Personally I think it is a shame as I consider the silence more respectful.

I don't know when it started with applause, but I can remember that in both the games immediately after Matthew Harding (25 years ago) & Peter Osgood (15 years ago) died the silence was immaculately observed by both the Chelsea & Tottenham fans, a point not lost on the stadium announcer.

yes that’s a fair point

The minute silence has been ruined by a small percentage within the football ground , it’s happened a number of times in regards the Hillsborough minutes silence

As you say a minutes silence to reflect on lost lives is far more respectful but it’s a shame the brain dead can’t respect it

Blue in Munich

Crocked Professional Yeti Impersonator
Jan 12, 2013
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I know that, but obviously the reason it's 11th of November and thus Remembrance Sunday around that time is because of the second world war, is it not?

The problem with remembering the more recent wars is that younger people perhaps erroneously conflate remembering those that died with supporting the war itself.

If the young really cannot distinguish between honouring those who fought for their freedom and supporting the war then either our education system has failed miserably or their sacrifice was in vain.


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Nov 1, 2016
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If the young really cannot distinguish between honouring those who fought for their freedom and supporting the war then either our education system has failed miserably or their sacrifice was in vain.
As I've just said, are you really doubting the stupidity of the British public after what we've seen over the last few years? :p


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Jan 4, 2009
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I’m not sure what else we have minute silences for but the only one that appears to be “country wide” is for Armistice

The traditional minutes silences they have at sporting events etc a lot of times are moving to a minute’s applause of appreciation - thankfully I think the message for armistice Day will continue strong

So far this year in Scotland we have had silences for three people who died in a train crash one year ago, the funeral of Prince Philip, the death of frontline workers from covid and one for the lass who was murdered by the PC.

Blue in Munich

Crocked Professional Yeti Impersonator
Jan 12, 2013
Worcester Park
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Sorry, it’s not. It’s the time and date of the signing of the Armistice of the First World War.

I believe you're mistaken; I believe is is the time the guns fell silent. The Armistice was signed some 6 hours earlier at 5am.


At the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, the Great War ends. At 5 a.m. that morning, Germany, bereft of manpower and supplies and faced with imminent invasion, signed an armistice agreement with the Allies in a railroad car outside Compiégne, France.


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Sep 22, 2009
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You're asking me if people in this country are stupid?? :LOL: Were you not paying attention during the petrol 'crisis', the bog roll 'crisis' and so on and so forth?

I'm not asking if people in this country are stupid as a general view, I'm of the opinion that the great majority of the British public didn't support the various wars of more recent years, but did have huge respect for those who , not only perished but, as we are reminded in our H4H golf day, gratitude to those who suffered life changing injuries


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Nov 1, 2016
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I'm not asking if people in this country are stupid as a general view, I'm of the opinion that the great majority of the British public didn't support the various wars of more recent years, but did have huge respect for those who , not only perished but, as we are reminded in our H4H golf day, gratitude to those who suffered life changing injuries
Well I hope so to. But I thought the topic was for speculating as to why some don't! It's basically what he asked in the title.

Lord Tyrion

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Sep 9, 2014
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Well I hope so to. But I thought the topic was for speculating as to why some don't! It's basically what he asked in the title.
I appreciate that people don't like to think of a disconnect between the population and Remembrance Day but it is there and growing year after year. The key is to understand why and then educate. Just being grumpy about it is not going to improve the situation.

I agree with your point. Like you, I'm sure, I don't like it or agree with the sentiment but it is there.
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Assistant Pro
Feb 25, 2014
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I appreciate that people don't like to think of a disconnect between the population and Remberance Day but it is there and growing year after year. The key is to understand why and then educate. Just being grumpy about it is not going to improve the situation.

I agree with your point. Like you, I'm sure, I don't like it or agree with the sentiment but it is there.