Disrespect OR Ignorance?


Challenge Tour Pro
Jul 2, 2008
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Was walking up the Main ST. near 11 a.m. today, stopped moving at minute or so to 11a.m. in at ease stance, church bells went off at 11 on the dot.
Was quietly seething at the amount of people of all ages that just kept going about their business as if it was a normal day!
I say quietly seeth because SWMBO had warned me to stay quiet and 'do not dare give anyone one of your death stares AND do not dare say anything to anyone, I'M WARNING YOU!!
The subtext was that "they can't help being ignorant; just keep yourself right"...Had to do as (ordered) told as she was beside me!!....BTW folk were walking round us (and others who had stopped) but gave us the 'what the hell are they doing just stopping there and not moving/talking and right in my road type look'
Really gets on my tits this disrespect, to my mind disgraceful behaviour!
Am I being OTT or does anyone else feel the same???


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Jan 24, 2021
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I'm not religious. 11th November means more to me than the prayers and services that take place on Remembrance Sunday - not that I have no respect for them. I do.
We were in our local town centre at 11 yesterday. We stopped for a moment as the service was taking place by the war memorial but moved on when the talking over the PA system became more about the glory of god than the sacrifices of the men and women who died so that we get the right to choose how we remember them.
A casual observer seeing us walking away might have thought badly of us.


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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It has been nearly 80 years since World War 2 ended. Most people alive now have no frame of reference of what life would have been like and the sacrifices people made. You have to wonder how long will Remembrance Day will be a thing - in another hundred years will people still be doing it and scarcely remembering why other than it being written in a textbook?

I was in the office on Thursday 11th, and I was very surprised that nobody instigated a two minutes silence at 11am. I'm sure in past years an email would go round or someone in the office would signify it just before 11, but this time nothing. I only realised much later on. We did do a minute's silence before my football match on Sunday though. Which was an 11 o'clock kick-off.


Journeyman Pro
May 15, 2014
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It has been nearly 80 years since World War 2 ended. Most people alive now have no frame of reference of what life would have been like and the sacrifices people made. You have to wonder how long will Remembrance Day will be a thing

It’s a day to remember sacrifices in all conflicts. Afghanistan only “ended” a few months ago.

Banchory Buddha

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Jun 10, 2021
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Am I being OTT or does anyone else feel the same???
yes you are, and no. 11/11 was three days prior.

There's a place to stop and give your respects, and if you choose to do it elsewhere then tbh I don't see your issue.

I live a couple hundred yards from the 2 local monuments, where the march started yesterday, very busy, didn't attend, never do, too much religious hocum for my liking, but went along in the afternoon and just had a silent moment reading the names.


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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It’s a day to remember sacrifices in all conflicts. Afghanistan only “ended” a few months ago.
I know that, but obviously the reason it's 11th of November and thus Remembrance Sunday around that time is because of the second world war, is it not?

The problem with remembering the more recent wars is that younger people perhaps erroneously conflate remembering those that died with supporting the war itself.


Journeyman Pro
May 14, 2014
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I know that, but obviously the reason it's 11th of November and thus Remembrance Sunday around that time is because of the second world war, is it not?

The problem with remembering the more recent wars is that younger people perhaps erroneously conflate remembering those that died with supporting the war itself.
Sorry, it’s not. It’s the time and date of the signing of the Armistice of the First World War.


Assistant Pro
Feb 25, 2014
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You have to remember we are now a multi cultural nation and 11/11/11 will not mean much to many.
Remembrance Day also recognises the many dead from nations and religions around the world. People forget that soldiers, sailors and airmen and women from all over the Commonwealth gave their lives in Service. November 11 is not a Christian thing.


Assistant Pro
Feb 25, 2014
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I know that, but obviously the reason it's 11th of November and thus Remembrance Sunday around that time is because of the second world war, is it not?

The problem with remembering the more recent wars is that younger people perhaps erroneously conflate remembering those that died with supporting the war itself.
Looks like someone needs to do some research!:mad:

Deleted member 15344

Looks like someone needs to do some research!:mad:

But it does show the issue within the modern society

There will be a lot of younger people who just don’t know or don’t learn about it all

Thankfully there are many people that will still remember the day and the weekend to ensure that it keeps going

It was very good to see the local cadets and scouts observe the parade yesterday

The day and the silence is to remember all that have fallen when protecting the world from anyone who has tried to take away someone’s freedom


Assistant Pro
Sep 21, 2017
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You have to remember we are now a multi cultural nation and 11/11/11 will not mean much to many.

tbh, I think that is a very lazy statement to make... very farag-esqe.

Both the WWs had many soldiers from across the world - you can see this by the number of countries who pay their respect at the Centograph. ... and this is beyond just the WWs...

I was at the kids footy match and eveyone stood their ground at 11am - and i will say that our footy teams are very multi-cultural (whatever that means) Do people stop playing golf at 11am?

A long time ago, i played on a course which has a memorial on it (from a crashed RAF plane). It was Rememberance sunday. As we were walking down the fairway, we say a couple of buggies cut across to the memorial (never knew it existed there). We stopped alongside.
The next group was up on the tee and asking us to move on. Ignorance? Disrespect? who knows. equally we did not ask the guys what their heritage was.

Deleted member 15344

tbh, I think that is a very lazy statement to make... very farag-esqe.

Both the WWs had many soldiers from across the world - you can see this by the number of countries who pay their respect at the Centograph. ... and this is beyond just the WWs...

I was at the kids footy match and eveyone stood their ground at 11am - and i will say that our footy teams are very multi-cultural (whatever that means) Do people stop playing golf at 11am?

A long time ago, i played on a course which has a memorial on it (from a crashed RAF plane). It was Rememberance sunday. As we were walking down the fairway, we say a couple of buggies cut across to the memorial (never knew it existed there). We stopped alongside.
The next group was up on the tee and asking us to move on. Ignorance? Disrespect? who knows. equally we did not ask the guys what their heritage was.

Our course has the poppy flags on multiple holes and both at 11am on the 11th and yesterday at 11 the hooter goes for a 2 min silence. Observed by all


Jan 7, 2021
Here there and everywhere
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Was walking up the Main ST. near 11 a.m. today, stopped moving at minute or so to 11a.m. in at ease stance, church bells went off at 11 on the dot.
Was quietly seething at the amount of people of all ages that just kept going about their business as if it was a normal day!
I say quietly seeth because SWMBO had warned me to stay quiet and 'do not dare give anyone one of your death stares AND do not dare say anything to anyone, I'M WARNING YOU!!
The subtext was that "they can't help being ignorant; just keep yourself right"...Had to do as (ordered) told as she was beside me!!....BTW folk were walking round us (and others who had stopped) but gave us the 'what the hell are they doing just stopping there and not moving/talking and right in my road type look'
Really gets on my tits this disrespect, to my mind disgraceful behaviour!
Am I being OTT or does anyone else feel the same???
Each to their own I'd say. Doesn't sound like anyone was being either disrespectful or ignorant but simply not matching up to your perceived standard. You know not how they may or may not have payed their respect.

Deleted member 16999

I have no issue with anyone choosing to ignore Remembrance Sunday or 11/11, that’s is the freedom of choice given to them by some of those who made the ultimate sacrifice.

Those who wish to remember and mark the day(s) should also be allowed to do so.

Unfortunately, you can’t seperate the religious part of the day, it’s been entwinned with it from day 1 and, imo, it should remain that way.

Its one day a year to remember all those who have died in conflicts or on duty while serving their Country, their families and the loved ones they left behind, it doesn’t glorify war, I don’t think it’s too much to ask for people to respect those people who wish to commemerate it.