Deliberately not completing a round


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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I know this has been discussed before but cannot find it

With reference to Rule 2 acceptable score 18 holes and 3.2

If a player sets out with the deliberate intention of not playing 18 holes but plays 14 would you consider the score to be acceptable for handicap purposes, then scale up the score or would you consider it to be not acceptable as they never intended to complete all 18 holes?

My view is the latter.


Challenge Tour Pro
Oct 5, 2011
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Not sure I understand - how would you know that he didn't intend to play 18?

Would you consider scoring it as a 9 hole round and ignore holes 10 - 14 if he subsequently said he was never going to play 18?


Tour Winner
Feb 21, 2013
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Not sure I understand - how would you know that he didn't intend to play 18?

Would you consider scoring it as a 9 hole round and ignore holes 10 - 14 if he subsequently said he was never going to play 18?
If he has played 10 or more holes it must be scaled up to an 18-hole score


Tour Winner
Feb 21, 2013
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But surely only if they had pre-registered as a general qualifying round. Otherwise handicap impact is irrelevant. If they never intended to play 18 then surely they wouldn't have registered and so the round is effectively a social round?
I was assuming he had either formally entered a competition or had pre-registered an 18 hole general play round. If he had pre-registered for a 9 hole general play round the 9 hole score would be the counting score.


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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For information we have players who play in the evening and want to submit a general play round but know in advance that they will not be playing 18 holes.

We have a 9 hole course for submitting rounds of just 9 holes.

I have also now learnt that they do not play the course as laid out, skipping holes 6 to 10.


Tour Winner
Feb 21, 2013
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You've totally lost me, sorry.
There is an 18 hole comp on. He knows he can play well over 9-12 holes but runs out of energy to complete 18 holes.. He enters, knowing he will not play the last 8 or 4 holes. He plays well or very well on the first 10 or so and walks in. Then is given net par for the rest (3.2). Good result for a vanity capper?


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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There is an 18 hole comp on. He knows he can play well over 9-12 holes but runs out of energy to complete 18 holes.. He enters, knowing he will not play the last 8 or 4 holes. He plays well or very well on the first 10 or so and walks in. Then is given net par for the rest (3.2). Good result for a vanity capper?
I don't see the purpose of entering a comp if you won't finish the round. Why pay the entrance fee if you have zero chance of winning it? That would just be stupid.

Green Man

Assistant Pro
Feb 20, 2016
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There is an 18 hole comp on. He knows he can play well over 9-12 holes but runs out of energy to complete 18 holes.. He enters, knowing he will not play the last 8 or 4 holes. He plays well or very well on the first 10 or so and walks in. Then is given net par for the rest (3.2). Good result for a vanity capper?

So just to confirm if you intend to play 18 but have genuine reason not to finish you should get net par for the remaining holes?

I had a situation earlier this season in a club comp. I was 4 over par after 12 holes then got a call to a genuine emergency relating to my son so I rushed off the course. I entered my score for the 12 holes then entered 0's for the remaining 6 holes. I was given net double bogeys for the remaining 6 holes. Was that incorrect and I should have had net Par?


Journeyman Pro
Mar 21, 2012
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So just to confirm if you intend to play 18 but have genuine reason not to finish you should get net par for the remaining holes?

I had a situation earlier this season in a club comp. I was 4 over par after 12 holes then got a call to a genuine emergency relating to my son so I rushed off the course. I entered my score for the 12 holes then entered 0's for the remaining 6 holes. I was given net double bogeys for the remaining 6 holes. Was that incorrect and I should have had net Par?

it depends on how many holes completed. I think 14 is the magic number to get nett par in.

10-14 is nett par plus 1 for the first hole not played.


Assistant Pro
Apr 9, 2017
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So just to confirm if you intend to play 18 but have genuine reason not to finish you should get net par for the remaining holes?

I had a situation earlier this season in a club comp. I was 4 over par after 12 holes then got a call to a genuine emergency relating to my son so I rushed off the course. I entered my score for the 12 holes then entered 0's for the remaining 6 holes. I was given net double bogeys for the remaining 6 holes. Was that incorrect and I should have had net Par?
You shouldn’t have entered 0’s, the correct thing would be NS (Not Started)