cut from general play


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Nov 17, 2007
west yorkshire
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I thought that this was a given.
Can clubs chose NOT to do this?

I have recently re-submitted 3 cards as my original H/cap is way off.
Pro told me that as I have a H/cap they wouldn't cut me from general play.

I now have a dilemma as the only way I can be cut is by playing in comps.
I have had 4 sub 80 rounds in the last 3 weeks and would feel a fraud if I entered a comp with my original H/cap.

For those in "the know" is there anything else I can do as my last round would see my nett score as -14


Tour Winner
Jul 31, 2009
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Do not worry about feeling a fraud. Play the comps, the handicap committee have given you a playing handicap so go out and win, they will soon pull you if it continues.I would make the most of it as it is much harder to win when you come down to a level you feel you should be playing off.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Vig, I place before thee

Section 3 - Handicap changes under clause 23 (General Play)
What is a ‘General Play’ adjustment?
A General Play change is a manual adjustment of a player’s handicap usually made by the Handicap Committee of a Club. These manual adjustments are required to be made when the player’s "Home Club considers that a player’s Exact Handicap is too high and does not reflect his current playing ability".

The rest of the article is here

Hope this helps :)


Money List Winner
Mar 4, 2009
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Don't quote me, but as far as I'm concerned, you CAN be cut on general play. The sec' could do this and I certainly wouldn't give up just yet.

I get fed up (like absolutely brain-crazy-temper-tantrum) about the attitude of some secretaries to these issues.

Correct me if I'm wrong.....
1) You played years ago to a good standard
2) You are back in the game and finding your form
2) You have not played in enough qualifying games to attract cuts/increases over a period of (1,2?) years?

The way I see it, only two outcomes here for you and your club.

1) The secretary ignores your *honest* effort to get re-assessed for your h'cap and then you absolutely walk some comps, much to everyone else's displeasure.
2) The secretary accepts these new cards as a fair reflection of where your game is, gives you a new h'cap under general play and then you don't go out and scoop a load of comps.

Which sounds better (not for you) for the club?

I play 40-45 (?) times a year and have never attracted a cut or increase on these scores made in non-qualifying games.

Originally, my h'cap was too low and I was told to play in more qualifiers....I play in these as much as physically possible and have had three +1s and four -2/-4s or so. That's it. TOTAL.

Not everyone can play in the qualifiers, players that prove themselves either hopeless or bandits in general play should be's in everyone's interest.

If they won't cut you on 3 cards, save up 6 or even 10 cards. As long as they were proper games, there will come a point where you cannot be ignored.

I'm only playing Sundays now for 5-6 months. I'm keeping all my cards. If there is any evidence I should be up or down from 10.6 I'll be in the office next spring asking for fair consideration.


Tour Rookie
Oct 15, 2006
Norn Iron
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I have had 4 sub 80 rounds in the last 3 weeks and would feel a fraud if I entered a comp with my original H/cap.
You might find it's not so easy to post scores like that when there's a competition card in your hand...


Money List Winner
Mar 4, 2009
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I have had 4 sub 80 rounds in the last 3 weeks and would feel a fraud if I entered a comp with my original H/cap.
You might find it's not so easy to post scores like that when there's a competition card in your hand...

That is true, but isn't a h'cap supposed to reflect how well you CAN play? If you were a club sec and knew a player off a high h'cap CAN shoot 3 under 80s, what would you do?


Money List Winner
Mar 4, 2009
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"(3) A player whose standard is clearly improving and who has returned two or more scores well below his handicap in a short period of time,

An example of (3) was given whereby a category 3 or 4 player who returns two nett differentials of –5, say, in quick succession should have an aggregate reduction of 5 strokes taken from their handicap."

QED me thinks.

HOWEVER, much will depend on how and when and with whom.
If you holed out and played with a member, I don't see how it could be ignored.


Club Champion
Jan 30, 2009
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Play the next comp -14 will give you something like a 4 shot cut problem solved your handicap is down, can't really see the problem.


Money List Winner
Mar 4, 2009
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Play the next comp -14 will give you something like a 4 shot cut problem solved your handicap is down, can't really see the problem.

It will be a problem if the next comp is not qualifying.

We had a guy shoot 21 or 22 points every week in the 9 hole midweek roll up, then had 4 nett 65s in a row on Sundays. He didn't get cut.

He was 8 under his handicap standing on the 16 in the club champs. Thankfully, he went OOB then took a triple on the 17th. If he'd bogey'd home, he'd have won the top prize and the 2nd biggest voucher of the year.

and no-one saw it coming? :rolleyes:


Journeyman Pro
Aug 21, 2008
East Yorks
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I'm firmly in the 'you have to earn it' camp on this issue, otherwise I would have been off single figures years ago.

I have regularly played well under my handicap in general play, yet never thought that I should automatically be cut, as put a Medal Card in anyone's hand, and suddenly the situation changes, and it 'has' to be earned.
I know at my Club, the White Tees make a big difference on some holes, up to 50yds on 1 or 2, so the course plays tougher.

This year is the 1st year I have actually played Medal's with the right attitude, ie not worrying about it and just concentrating on my game, and low and behold, ive come down from 11.8 to 9.3.

If I had been cut in general play, i wouldnt have the same satisfaction I can tell you, and dont think it should be 'given' just because YOU want it lower.
Clearly, if the secretary hears of someone's exploits and decides to cut someone, which is surely what the rule is for, thats a different matter.

Get in the Comps, and if you are genuinely lower, and play to what you think you should be, you'll come down.



Well-known member
Apr 6, 2007
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I'll go along with ChrisMc on this one. Its all very different playing off the yellows in a game with your mates. Even I can play to or below my handicap whilst doing that :p However a counting competition brings it's own inherent problems. Playing off the whites and with a bit of stress thrown in for added fun it's a different game altogether.


Q-School Graduate
Nov 19, 2008
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As far as i am aware general play isn't pratice rounds it would be when u play well in a couple of comps and they give you a additional cut on top of the cut you got in the comps. I think you have to prove you can do it in a comp before you get cut.


Tour Winner
Nov 17, 2007
west yorkshire
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Don't quote me, but as far as I'm concerned, you CAN be cut on general play. The sec' could do this and I certainly wouldn't give up just yet.

I get fed up (like absolutely brain-crazy-temper-tantrum) about the attitude of some secretaries to these issues.

Correct me if I'm wrong.....
1) You played years ago to a good standard
2) You are back in the game and finding your form
2) You have not played in enough qualifying games to attract cuts/increases over a period of (1,2?) years?

The way I see it, only two outcomes here for you and your club.

1) The secretary ignores your *honest* effort to get re-assessed for your h'cap and then you absolutely walk some comps, much to everyone else's displeasure.
2) The secretary accepts these new cards as a fair reflection of where your game is, gives you a new h'cap under general play and then you don't go out and scoop a load of comps.

Which sounds better (not for you) for the club?

Not everyone can play in the qualifiers, players that prove themselves either hopeless or bandits in general play should be's in everyone's interest.

If they won't cut you on 3 cards, save up 6 or even 10 cards. As long as they were proper games, there will come a point where you cannot be ignored.

This more or less sums it up.
incidentally my low score came when i was asked to mark 2 seniors cards in an open pairs comp

Even the pro said "enter, clean up and they'll cut you"
It just doesn't seem right really.
I would be pretty "p***ed" if I knew that I had paid to enter a comp and someone cleaned up after asking for a cut.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Vig, direct from the mouth of CONGU


23.7 In exceptional circumstances the Handicap Committee may adjust the handicap of a player in the period between Annual Reviews if there is compelling evidence that his Exact Handicap does not reflect his current playing ability

I only wish there were more people cut in this manor.


Journeyman Pro
Aug 21, 2008
East Yorks
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We all know of the players who avoid getting cut at all costs, and hence, if I'm playing in an Am0-Am or similar, I know that some team with 20+ handicappers is going to come in with some stupidly low score and clean up, it happens every time, so I dont worry about it.

At my own club, the Medals are in 3 Divisions, 0-12, 13-20 iirc, and those above.
I'm only interested in what happens in MY Division.
Hell, even I off 12 came in with a Nett 63 earlier this summer (CSS 69), but I was cut to 10 immediately, (6 x 0.2), and followed that with a Nett 65 a couple of weeks ago to reach my goal of 9, and thats the way it happens.

There has been other rounds where I've been well over, but thats just it, your handicap should be a real indication of your 'Sunday Best', not the average of what you can shoot in any old knock with your mates off the yellows.
If that were the case, I'd be off 2 or 3.


Tour Winner
Jan 12, 2007
The bottom line is, play in competitions (which is why you have a handicap) and play well and it will come down.

That said, if your current handicap is a newly allocated one (perhaps you had a bad patch when doing your 3 cards for handicap) then you are quite justified in asking for it to be re-assessed. In fact the committee have a responsibility to ensure you are playing off a mark which reflects your ability and if this is clearly not the case then they should act.
If they refuse then just play, let the system bring you down and let the committee answer to the other members (who will scream) when you win by a mile. As someone else mentioned though it's different with a competition card in your hand so you may not do as well as you anticipate.


Tour Winner
Feb 9, 2009
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I was allocated a 12 handicap after 5 years away from the game. My first roll up game a couple of days later I shot a gross 35 (1 under) on the back 9 (was 8 over on the front btw). 5 minutes later the old farts had been into the pro shop and had me chopped to 10.