Couple weeks after lesson


Challenge Tour Pro
Aug 6, 2009
Ingleby Barwick
You look like you have a nice tidy swing with a 'sweeping motion'... consistent but not a very long hitter.

What exactly are you trying to fix? distance, ball control or something else?

Trying to transmit as much energy into the ball as possible. It's better than it was but the power was coming from the upper body only, the right leg was a 'passenger' in the swing without actually contributing to the shot. The glute muscles need to be used more in the transition from backswing to throughswing.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
In my untrained, unqualified, no mars bars sold, 6 h/cap opinion....

Your swing looks very economical in the downswing, eg: everything appears to move together. The first move of your downswing is EVERYTHING :p

Power would come from holding the #4 accumulator for longer at the top of the swing and approx the first 1/3 of the downswing before pushing the left arm away from your left manboob. The first part of the downswing the left arm should feel like it's stuck to your left manboob purely from the force of the shoulder rotation which the hips initiate... a 'free ride' as Nicklaus (I think) said. Then 1/3 down is where you feel your left arm unwind away from your torso.

If you concentrate too much on your legs it's easy to forget to actually HIT the ball.... you can't hit it with a weightshift or your legs.

Just my ramblings of course, got anything at full speed?

.... mars bar?


Feb 15, 2011
Brisbane, Australia
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Am new to the game.. Am looking into lessons so i can make sure what am learning or doing is right or wrong. I don't want to get use to doing something and that something is wrong so I decided to look for professional help to give me good criticism on my game.


Challenge Tour Pro
Aug 6, 2009
Ingleby Barwick
In my untrained, unqualified, no mars bars sold, 6 h/cap opinion....

Your swing looks very economical in the downswing, eg: everything appears to move together. The first move of your downswing is EVERYTHING :p

Power would come from holding the #4 accumulator for longer at the top of the swing and approx the first 1/3 of the downswing before pushing the left arm away from your left manboob. The first part of the downswing the left arm should feel like it's stuck to your left manboob purely from the force of the shoulder rotation which the hips initiate... a 'free ride' as Nicklaus (I think) said. Then 1/3 down is where you feel your left arm unwind away from your torso.

If you concentrate too much on your legs it's easy to forget to actually HIT the ball.... you can't hit it with a weightshift or your legs.

Just my ramblings of course, got anything at full speed?

.... mars bar?

Mars Bars?????? asking the wrong person for them.... ;)

Depending on weather i'll get another video done either tomorrow or Friday and hopefully show what i'm trying to do. Will do one at full speed too. It's better now my stance is not too wide, the right leg would actually hold back and slow down the body turn, losing acceleration and therefore power. Not looking to hit it with a weightshift, looking to increase the rotational speed of the swing.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Yeh, you look a lot more centered now and don't chase it like in that vid... was interesting to see you give it a bit of wellie!

With less weightshift you have to derive the power from rotation instead. More inclination to the ball, left shoulder down a little more, and deep turn the shoulders in a circle for power with the deepest (ie: longest) arc possible.

Can i interest you in a Snickers? Packet of tees?