Coronavirus - political views - supporting or otherwise...

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Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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I've been amazed how many professional people - business owners, head teachers etc. who have been bleating this morning "we don't know how...we haven't been told...the government hasn't given clarity". Do your job. Accept some responsibility for decisions. Listen to the detail given today and then implement some of the plans you should already have had in place for a re-opening. Head teachers usually bleat about government interference and now they want to be given chapter and verse as to how to run their school. Gave up on the news in the end as it was just more of the same and not one person said "ok, that's good...we have a plan and now will get to work preparing".
My wife and daughter are teachers.
Their one and only concern is how to keep 30 kids in a class 2mts apart.
Especially the younger ones.
I can see a lot of teachers refusing .
Any other work area has SD so I think head teachers have a point ,are schools different.?


Journeyman Pro
Feb 4, 2012
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Seemingly more and more, to me, we are heading back down the herd immunity route... Without actually stating so as an outright admission ?...

Perhaps Boris is seeking further support from his new friends in the North by properly mucking over Londoners...
Nay... Londoners are considered to be a fine crowd of folk, by us in the North. :eek::eek:

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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Was he alone in that opinion or are sadly people bringing party politics in to the discussion, despite you yourself cringing at at least one of boris’s comments and his Foreign Secretary being confused on live TV this morning.
I'm even handed :D. I've criticised both on specific points, not just one side for the sake of it.

Starmer has a good opportunity to play the statesman through this and really bring Labour back but trying to play dumb when he is clearly a very smart bloke is not the way to do it.

I didn't see the Raab interview this morning so I have stayed away from commenting on that.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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I've not seen the pictures from the tube today or recently so can't comment. But obviously there is things going on that are not adhering to the rules.
But saw this article elsewhere about some perspective of pictures we're seeing during lockdown. Who'd have thought changing lenses or angles would make such a difference on how we perceive what we're shown..

Edit I should add my knowledge of photography is trash so I don't know if this is accurate representation either way but found it interesting.
This is why a telephoto lens is sometimes used for a portrait shot.
You can get a close up without being to close to the model.
Very clever photographer can make his lenses do anything .

Deleted member 16999

I'm even handed :D. I've criticised both on specific points, not just one side for the sake of it.

Starmer has a good opportunity to play the statesman through this and really bring Labour back but trying to play dumb when he is clearly a very smart bloke is not the way to do it.

I didn't see the Raab interview this morning so I have stayed away from commenting on that.
Starmer is irrelevant during this, he’s offered his support to boris, stated a couple of times his support for the handling of the crisis.
Seems like he’s damned if does and damned if he doesn’t.

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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My wife and daughter are teachers.
Their one and only concern is how to keep 30 kids in a class 2mts apart.
Especially the younger ones.
I can see a lot of teachers refusing .
Any other work area has SD so I think head teachers have a point ,are schools different.?
The whole school is not returning though. Yesterday they stated yr 1, 5-6, and year 6, 10-11 would go back first, in three weeks. If they are all in the same school there are empty classrooms from yrs 2, 3, 4 and 5 that can be used to spread the kids out. There are also the teachers from those years that can fill in. Breaks are in the class, as perhaps will be lunches. Start and leave times may be staggered.

The schools should have had plans A-F ready to put into action, they now have 3 weeks to put them one of them into play. It is not ideal, my parents were both teachers, one a head, so I know that teaching different year groups is messy but they have 3 weeks to talk to each other, share knowledge, what to do etc.

If they had sent back the whole school at once that would have been carnage but only 2 year groups should be manageable.

@2blue , used to be a teacher I believe. What are the issues based on your experience? 2 years in a school should not be an issue should it? Explain away.


Journeyman Pro
Feb 4, 2012
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Was he alone in that opinion or are sadly people bringing party politics in to the discussion, despite you yourself cringing at at least one of boris’s comments and his Foreign Secretary being confused on live TV this morning.
Spot on Paul. He was simply high-lighting what so many people are feeling....... it is clear that a lot needs explaining.

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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Starmer is irrelevant during this, he’s offered his support to boris, stated a couple of times his support for the handling of the crisis.
Seems like he’s damned if does and damned if he doesn’t.
He is not quite that irrelevant. He has offered his support but then had a dig at the same time. He can work the press, social media etc, fan the flames. I'd rather he was supportive now, apart from any major gaffes, and then put the boot in after this is over and any review highlights glaring errors. After this is over will be the time for him to really earn his money. With his background he is perfectly placed to pick apart the govt in a review in a calm and authoratative manner.

It depends which approach you prefer really.

Deleted member 16999

He is not quite that irrelevant. He has offered his support but then had a dig at the same time. He can work the press, social media etc, fan the flames. I'd rather he was supportive now, apart from any major gaffes, and then put the boot in after this is over and any review highlights glaring errors. After this is over will be the time for him to really earn his money. With his background he is perfectly placed to pick apart the govt in a review in a calm and authoratative manner.

It depends which approach you prefer really.
Really disagree with this get involved afterwards line, what if him or anyone getting involved along the way saves lives? We only get 1 shot at this.
Hindsight is a wonderful thing.
Other MP’s are perfectly capable of putting each other in their place, I don’t want anyone quiet, regardless of party.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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Seemingly more and more, to me, we are heading back down the herd immunity route... Without actually stating so as an outright admission ?...

Perhaps Boris is seeking further support from his new friends in the North by properly mucking over Londoners...
It would back up your point if young kids go back to school!
They are impossible to keep apart.
Hope there is as much room in the classrooms as there is in the HOC.


Head Pro
Sep 21, 2016
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Really disagree with this get involved afterwards line, what if him or anyone getting involved along the way saves lives? We only get 1 shot at this.
Hindsight is a wonderful thing.
Other MP’s are perfectly capable of putting each other in their place, I don’t want anyone quiet, regardless of party.

Lots of what's an dif's, nothing I have seen makes me think he could do that, it's the old sly dig rubbish from him. If he wants to have a go, grow some balls, satnd up and amkes some decent valid points instead of these little insinuations and digs, he is making himself look poor either take a dump on the pot or get off, don't skid the side.


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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My wife and daughter are teachers.
Their one and only concern is how to keep 30 kids in a class 2mts apart.
Especially the younger ones.
I can see a lot of teachers refusing .
Any other work area has SD so I think head teachers have a point ,are schools different.?

Surely they won't have 30 in a class though? Plenty of classrooms to allow for SD if only 2 years are back to school.

I would expect a headteacher to have plans in place for a re-opening and not need every detail provided by the government.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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The whole school is not returning though. Yesterday they stated yr 1, 5-6, and year 6, 10-11 would go back first, in three weeks. If they are all in the same school there are empty classrooms from yrs 2, 3, 4 and 5 that can be used to spread the kids out. There are also the teachers from those years that can fill in. Breaks are in the class, as perhaps will be lunches. Start and leave times may be staggered.

The schools should have had plans A-F ready to put into action, they now have 3 weeks to put them one of them into play. It is not ideal, my parents were both teachers, one a head, so I know that teaching different year groups is messy but they have 3 weeks to talk to each other, share knowledge, what to do etc.

If they had sent back the whole school at once that would have been carnage but only 2 year groups should be manageable.

@2blue , used to be a teacher I believe. What are the issues based on your experience? 2 years in a school should not be an issue should it? Explain away.
primary which has the most kids!???? Favourite pastime licking each other.
Year 6 I understand .
But if you use all the classrooms for these kids where do all the year 2;3;4;5 go if the SD has not been lifted.
As they are talking 2 weeks later .
It’s a big problem for head teachers.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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Surely they won't have 30 in a class though? Plenty of classrooms to allow for SD if only 2 years are back to school.

I would expect a headteacher to have plans in place for a re-opening and not need every detail provided by the government.
Yes so would I expect a plan ,but all teachers I know are shocked this has come so early
They want year 2;3;4; and 5 back ASAP two weeks has been touted where do they go then and where do the extra teachers come from.?
Plus teachers are specialists in certain years and maybe might not be able to take year 6 or year 1. Or SEN pupils.
It’s possible some teachers may refuse on health and safety grounds.
If a child vomits what do you do PPE to clean up?
It’s a bit of a mess tbh.

Deleted member 16999

Lots of what's an dif's, nothing I have seen makes me think he could do that, it's the old sly dig rubbish from him. If he wants to have a go, grow some balls, satnd up and amkes some decent valid points instead of these little insinuations and digs, he is making himself look poor either take a dump on the pot or get off, don't skid the side.
I take it you’ve not seen any of the pmq’s? And right now everyone is saying we should be pulling together not creating division, so again, he couldn’t win.
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